Chapter 19

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Nico's POV:

I shadow traveled to my father's palace in the underworld. More specifically, my room. What I didn't expect was Hades doing renovations. The walls were all torn down and all the furniture was gone.

"What are you doing to my room?!" I yelled at the god. He was a god, but he was my father. We had an extremely close relationship, especially for demigods. I can yell at him if I please.

"Uh... I didn't expect you to come this early! I was re-doing your room, for a nice surprise, but it's not finished and-" Hades was cut off.

"Keep quiet! I'm tending to the plants!" Shouted Persephone. She must not of detected our entrance. Some plants grow in the underworld, very few, but there are some.

"Okay sweetie! But just to let you know Nico and his boyfriend are here!" He shouted the reply. Does my dad even know his name? Probably not.

"Now Nico..." My father started. "Why are you here with Will?" Huh. I guess he does know his name. "Are you guys needing to do... stuff? I can give you guys a room..."

Wow. My father really thinks I'd do...stuff... in his palace. Absolutely not! We are WAY too young for that. And, that's just disrespectful.

"Dad! No! Absolutely not! You really think- No. I just needed to talk to Will in private about something one of our friends did." I defended.

"Oh... So that's why you jump-scared me and then kissed me into the underworld..." Will spoke. He must've been purposefully trying to embarrass me because I blushed like hell. Pun intended.

Hades raised an eyebrow. I smacked my forehead. "Can we just get some privacy in a room with furniture?"

Hades shook his head, snapped his fingers, and we were shadow-traveled into a different room I'd never seen before.This room must've been decorated by Persephone because there were flowers everywhere, flower furniture, real flowers, flower lamps, and the ground was dead grass. Hey, it was the best she could do! Don't blame her!

"So... Why'd you take me here? What's wrong?" Will asked. I sat down and gestured for him to sit down.

"We weren't supposed to see that." I said simply.

"Yeah, I got that, but why is it so important we don't know about it?"

"I was tipped off that no one can talk to Amber right now."

"By who?"


"Ah, Angel. She's her best friend. Only makes sense that she'd know about- that. She's always gotten a little sensitive on that topic, probably for the fear that she'd let it slip."

"Good quick talk. No one can know about what we saw. Let's go back. Bye Persephone! Bye dad!" I said, then we left.

Will's POV:

We shadow-traveled back to Camp-Half-Blood. I didn't approve of Nico using these powers so often, but he seemed to have a hold of it. Now that I think about it, this is the first time we've had nothing to worry about. Except me being friends with Amber, that was kinda important.

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\Time Skip/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Dinners over. I guess I should try and talk to Amber now. She seemed really sad at dinner, her reaction to Angel giving her bananas to save wasn't even as exited as normal. She started crying in the middle of eating her grapes too. Eventually she left and never came back.

I walked around camp looking for her. Not in her cabin, not in the graveyard, not in Demeter cabin. I had no idea where she was. Nico and I split up to look for her. I decided to look around for Angel or Lotus. I found Angel first.

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