Chapter 11

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Will's Pov:

I had to go. If Nico dying was an alternative to anything, I wouldn't take it. It was at the amphitheater, which would be an advantage for both of us because we would get to know how the other is feeling because of the fire.

"You can't go!" Nico said. "With what's been going on lately, the person who is meeting you will try to kill you."

As soon as he said that, we saw a group of people walking into the infirmary. The seven had arrived with Hazel and were bringing to the hospital bed nearest Nico. All of the people hurt from Capture the Flag were out now, so now it was just Nico and Hazel.

"Here we are!" Jason said as he stumbled his way over to the hospital bed. 

Nico held his head down. I think that he either was remembering Bianca's death, or he sensed Hazel's death.

"Frank, CPR, now." Nico said. Frank didn't hesitate. He trusted Nico and he knew that if he didn't do it she would die. He started doing mouth to mouth. 

"Does this have anything to do with the note, do you think?" I asked my boyfriend.

"I'm almost sure of it. I don't know why anyone would do this though. It ju-" He was cut off by a phone call.

A phone call? Demigods can't use phones. It would attract monsters. Leo's working on a phone that isn't harmful, but he isn't anywhere close to finishing it. The phone was a real phone.

It was coming from Hazel's pocket.

"Someone hang it up!" I yelled. Piper swiped the phone out right away and hung up, then shut it down. "The monsters will be here soon." I said. "They're on their way from the forest. Percy, Annabeth, and Leo since you already worked together as a team today you have practice. You should go." I looked at Annabeth for approval. She nodded her head.

"Good luck!" I said before they ran off.

Now it was just Piper, Jason, Frank, Nico, and I. Until Amber came in.

"Amber!" I said, gesturing her to come here. She had a worried and confused face on, so as her friend I needed to know what was going on.

"So first of all, I'm so happy for you guys! You don't realize how long I've been waiting for this. More importantly, I think I know who did that to Hazel." Amber said, gesturing to Hazel.

"What? Who." Nico said, determined to get an answer. He's done that to me. He gets so cute sometimes!

"Well, we're not sure it's her, but we think it's Amanda Jade. She's obviously had help, Hermes child, male, but were not sure who. Not Connor or Travis, they wouldn't do that."

"We have to go find Amanda!" Nico said.

"Neeks, if she knew what she was doing is a crime, she isn't going to be in her cabin." I replied.

"What do you think 'find' means?" Death boy said, and I blushed at my own stupidity.

"Awww, your blushing!" Amber pointed out.

Nico laughed a little. Wait, laugh? I must really be helping his self confidence. We thought for a minuet or two, to see if we could think of where she might be, be we had no idea. She couldn't be in the forest because that would just be really dumb considering that's where we would look first. She's a daughter of Hecate, so she could be anywhere. She could be underwater, she could be on a cloud, she could be out of camp itself. And I said this.

"We could ask for a quest to find her, if we find out she's not at camp?" Amber said.

"Well, even if we do find her I doubt that she'll let us bring her back to camp, seeing as shes trying to kill us."


Nico, Frank, and I were waiting for Hazel to wake up. We all were having a conversation about bananas, when I realized I hadn't told any of the seven about the note. Frank was especially important, because he would probably be staying here tonight, and I was thinking of asking him to come with me for backup. You may not know this, but I am really powerful. Because I understand the human anatomy and how everything in the body works, I can find the targets weak spot and cut them there and take them down in one or two hits.

"Hey Frank?" I said.

"Huh?" He replied.

"So, I got this note today, and it said to meet this person at midnight tonight at the amphitheater. Nico and I are pretty sure it's from someone working with Amanda."

"What?!" He spoke a little quieter than a shout. "Let me come with you."

Phew. I'm not that good at asking people things. Especially if that thing can get them killed.

"Ok, but you have to stay hidden. The person wants me alone, so if I come with you it would be bad." I said.

I looked back over at Nico and he was sweating. That's weird, because his body temperature is always below average, due to him being the son of Hades. "You ok?" I asked him. "You're sweating."

He sighed. "I just don't want you to die."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Good, you should be worried. I'm too awesome to die from a daughter of Hecate." I said, almost as sassy as Percy. But I'm not Percy, because I am Nico's type.

ATTENTION: HEY GUYS sorry for the short-ish chapter! School is starting back up for me so I might not be posting as often but don't worry I will at least post every other day. Bye!

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