Chapter 2

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Nico's Pov:

"Who are you and where am I? I asked once and I've asked twice, now I expect an answer!" I commanded, sure to get an answer.

"Nico, stay here. I-I need t-to go d-do something. Promise?" The stranger said, but without getting an answer he ran off. Why is he making me promise? How does he know my name? "Why do I need to promise? Why do you want me here?" I yelled, hoping that he'd come back . About two or three minuets later he came back, but this time leading a group of kids with blonde hair.

"Where is he?" One asked.

"Over there!" Yelled another.

They all ran at me, and to be honest, I was scared. I'm not usually the one who's scared. My face wouldn't let me hide that fact. My eyes widened, and the stranger came over to me. "Nico, It's Will. Do you remember me?" Will asked, clearly worried. His freckles complimented his blue eyes, which complimented his hair. Gods, that boy was cute. 

"No." I said plainly, and truthfully.

"Nico, you're in Camp Half Blood, the camp for Greek demigods" A girl who had gray eyes and blonde hair said to me. "Annabeth?" I said, then looking away. I don't like communication, and I really wasn't in the mood to have a conversation.She laughed a little, then said, "Yes Nico, do you remember me? My boyfriend, Percy-" My body wouldn't let her finish. I got up and walked out of wherever I was, and looked around. Before I left the room completely, I said, "No, Annabeth, I don't remember a thing about you, or your boyfriend. I remember your name. That's all. And, please, don't follow me." I started making my way around, going nowhere in particular, when someone grabbed my shoulder.

"Nico..." Will said.

I knew it was Will, not from the voice, (Even if that gave it away a little) But from the warmth of his hand when he touched my shoulder. "What?" I snapped. I didn't want to be bothered. In fact, I never want to be bothered.

"You have to come back to the infirmary with me." He said, trying to persuade me.

I ran. I didn't know what came over me, only that I knew I had to get away. I was thinking of one thing: Bianca. I was talking to her at our house, while I was looking over my mythomagic cards, then I passed out and I was here.

I kept running, and running, and running, until I became lost. I scanned my surroundings, and there were a lot of trees around me, I was standing next to a giant rock, and it was dark all around me. "Great." I thought. "Now I'll never find my way back." I ended up sleeping next to the rock, and I had an awful dream.

I was walking through a dark place, and I heard screaming. I ran to go find the source, but I never seemed to get any closer. I began to walk back when a familiar voice stopped me. I immediately whipped around to find a figure in a darker-than-black cloak standing there. "Son-" "Son?" I said. "Who are you, and what do you want with me?" I almost yelled at him. "My dad's dead." I clarified. As soon as I said that, he sighed. "Nico Di Angelo." He said, like it cleared up every thought I'd been thinking. I started to walk away. I thought about what has been happening in my life lately, about how I was going to get back to Bianca, and then it happened. I stopped dead in my tracks and started crying. My memories had come back to me. I remembered first getting to camp, meeting Will and hanging out with Bianca. I remembered almost killing Percy when he told me the story of Bianca's death. I remembered when Eros forced me to come out, and me telling Percy that I had a crush on him, but that he wasn't my type. There was one memory, however, that stood out. It was a bright, happy smile, with freckles dotted all around it. As I looked at the face longer, I saw bright blue eyes. I would stare into them all day if I had nothing to get back to. But I did. It was looking at more features of this angel in front of me.

"Will!" I said. As if on command, his expression turned worried. "Nico? Where are you? Nico?" He yelled. I yelled back, desperate to get his attention. He couldn't hear me. I couldn't move. Reality seemed to change, and I was no longer walking around in the Underworld.

Will's Pov:

"Nico? Where are you? Nico?" I yelled. I was running around in the forest, trying to find the Ghost King. What a normal thing to do, really. I was trying to head to Zeus' fist, because I was lost and it would make me remember where I was. I heard some rustling, and I ran directly towards the noise. It could be Nico, it could be a monster, or it could be even worse. Nico being attacked by a monster.

Just my luck, it was a monster. I didn't see Nico anywhere around, so I assumed he was somewhere else. I'm a healer, not a fighter. My instinct told me to run the opposite way, but my heart told me no.

"Run! You can't fight!" Said my instinct.

"Listen to me! It's Nico! He might be that way!" My heart yelled.

"Shut it Heart, He might die! Think about that boy later! Think about yourself now!"

For me, the answer was clear. Nico first, me second. I ran around the trees, trying to avoid the monster. It was small, pillow sized, and blue. It looked nothing like it could kill you, but I'd gotten many patients almost killed from this little guy. He was deadly.

I ran around the tree and then I spotted Zeus' fist. I looked down to find a lump of black sprawled on the ground. I ran to his side as fast as I could.

"Nico!" I yelled.

"Hey, Will." Nico said calmly.

"Are you ok?"

"Of course I'm ok, doofus."

"Thank the gods! I was worried!" 

"Y-you were worried?"

"Of course I was worried, Neeks! I thought you lost your memory! We should head back to the infirmary."


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