Chapter 15

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Will's Pov:

I heard the sound of running feet and people shouting Nico's name. I quickly opened my eyes and tried to get up, but I was too weak. Now I could hear people screaming my name, as well as Nico's. The first person to me was Angel. She was my sister, on the godly side. She's the only one in camp who can summon light, and she's almost never in the infirmary to help people, she didn't get that gift. She can be annoying at times, and she's one of Amber's best friends.

"Hey, Angel. Why are you here? No offence, but you didn't get the healing gift." I said to her.

"None taken. Look to your right." She replied, I looked to the left. "Not the left, dummy. Right." 

I looked the other direction. As a doctor, I have to know my lefts and rights. What if I have to deal with someone's lungs? When I saw what she was talking about, I nearly lost consciousness. Again.

Nico was going transparent. I didn't know what to do. I had just woken up, exited to see my lovely boyfriend again, but he was dying. I may not ever be able to make him laugh, help him when he needs support, and I might not ever feel so complete ever again.

"He will live." I deep heard a voice say. Hades must of teleported here. "He just needs to be alone, with you." The Lord of the Dead had pointed to me. "Uh... Ok!" Mason said and gave us our alone time.

"Hades, Sir, why does he need to be alone with me?" I asked.

"William Solace, You're the only person with something he can understand and help you with. It will also help him. You may not understand now, but you will soon." With that The King of the Underworld disappeared. I didn't even get a chance to respond!

"W-Will..." Nico started. "W-What's h-he talking a-abou-t" Nico was listening? How?

"Can you open your eyes?" I asked.

"No." He replied. 

"That's ok. If I tell you, I might die, but I need to. If I don't, you will die soon."

Nico tensed at the thought of one of us dying, hopefully not from pain. I gripped his hand tighter. "Nico, I had a dream-" "Well duh." He interrupted.

 I laughed a little. "Anyways, I had a dream. It-" I paused for a moment, thinking Maybe I shouldn't tell him! But I had to. Hades basically told me to. "It was about Thanatos. He- He said that I should be dead, but if I could see him then I'm not dead. He also said that I could tell you or Calvin, his son, but only one was the right choice. When Hades came, it made me make my decision to tell you. Also, it would make me feel like a bad boyfriend if I didn't tell you."

"Will." Nico said plainly.

"What?" I asked.

"I know who is pinning me."


Nico's Pov:
(Ok guys I'm having a bit of writer's block so if it's bad, sorry!)

"What?" Will replied sternly. I'll admit, I deserve it. I hadn't given him much information. But at the same time I was hesitating to tell him. What my other dream was about- no. I just won't tell him how I know.

"Hannah Roberts, Daughter of Hecate. She is very skilled in making potions, and she is second behind Lou Ellen for spells. She was given a Hogwarts letter, but she couldn't go due to the fact that it would attract Greek monsters, and the students and staff would be able to see. She has brown hair, black eyes, and she's Caucasian."

Will gave me a sly smile. "How do you know all of this, her looks, her Hogwarts letter deal, her rank in Hecate's cabin, and most of all, how do you know it's her?" Dang it. I knew I couldn't lie to Will, but maybe I could get out of it.

"Her father came to the Underworld, and he remembered her past for a few minutes. He was a very kind man, and I couldn't ignore him. Especially if it was the last time he would ever remember his daughter." I said, hoping he would forget about how I know.

"Okay~," He said, holding out the 'y'. He most likely knew that I didn't want to tell how I knew, and he didn't push. I'm extremely grateful to have a boyfriend like him.

"So, If we know it's Hannah, should we tell Chiron?" Will asked. Himtalking about staff reminded me about the doctor has to be in the rroom with the pateint situationI didn't see a doctor around, so I assumed he was in the bathroom.

"Maybe. I just- Oh, Hey Amber! Who is this?" I said. Amber had someone else with her. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked about the same height as her, maybe a bit shorter.

"I'm Angel, like Will I'm a daughter of Apollo." She said.

"I was gonna say that!" Amber said, summoning vines which pushed Angel lightly.

"You're welcome!" Angel said, smirking. Everyone rolled their eyes, so I assumed she says that alot.

"Anyways," Amber said as she walked towards Will and I. Angel followed quickly. She clearly didn't know how the infirmary worked. She must not of gotten that gift. "I see your both awake! Great! We realize that you don't know who did this to Will, Nico, so Will, Go ahead."

I forgot that no one had told me. I lied there, looking at Will as he took a deep, shaky breath. For some reason his beautiful blonde hair looked like it had gotten darker. Maybe it was just me.

"Th-The person who attacked me, was... was Connor. Connor Stoll." He said looking at me. I gasped. I'm not usually the one who expresses my feeling with a gasp, but it just came out. Connor Stoll? Something was not right. Connor would never do that. But, just our luck, as soon as Will said that Connor walked into the infirmary.

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