Chapter 8:

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Hannah's POV:|

Taylor hugged me as I was getting off stage, that's when i heard it. All the mumbling from all the girls. "Who are they?", "whore!", "Are her and taylor dating?", and more! I quickly ran to the back... After a few minutes it cooled down.

•A few hours later•

The event was over, the screaming girls had left. "Are you okay?" Taylor said. I nodded smiling at him, staring at his beautiful brown eyes. He grabbed my hand, "Can I take you out tomorrow?" he asked. "Yes, of course!" I felt butterflies in my stomach, i couldnt help but smile more. "Come on love birds, We have to go Hannah!" Caitlin said tugging on me. I gave Taylor a hug "I will text you!" he said. We went to the truck and drove off to the hotel. We got to our rooms and just talked about the boys. Till finally we dosed off. I woke up the next morning and seen my phone, there was 2 text messages from Taylor. |text conversation;|

T; hey beautiful.💖 T; good morning 😘 H; good morning ☺️💘 T; im taking you out tonight. i will pick you up by 8:30. H; where are we going? T; somewhere nice!☺️ H; so i have to get dressed up.💁 T; yes! i will see you then

A few hours later It was only 6:30 and i was so excited! I didn't know what i was going to wear! "Caitlin I need your help!" I screamed. She ran "With?". "I need something to wear! something nice!" I said. She started looking through my suit case pulling out this gorgeous dress. It was short, it had a white corset and a light blue skirt. "I love it!" i said. She walked off, she was also going out but with Cameron that night. I ran to the bathroom plugging up my curling wand, i grabbed a brush pulling it thro my long light brown hair. I started curling my hair & when i got finished it was already 7. I started my makeup and didn't do much, all i did was put on some mascara. I slipped on the dress, my sister helping me zip it up. I grabbed some white high heels slipping them on. Finally i was done it was 8 already, and i got a phone call, it was from Taylor! "What hotel are you staying at?" he asked. I told him where we were staying at and he hung up. "Oh my god Hannah, you look gorgeous!" my sister said, "You have to take a few pictures and post them!" she continued. So i did, i had her take a full body picture. I posted it on Insta with the caption saying 'this is going to be the best day of my life💘 #datenight.' I was so excited but at the same time nervous because this was my first date.

|Taylor's POV:|

I hopped in my corvette and headed to the hotel. I was really nervous & i didn't know why. I pulled into the hotel, it was only 8:20. I texted her asking her what room number she was in she texted back saying 'floor 9, and room number is 913.' I hopped out of the car grabbing the white roses I had gotten her. I got into the elevator, i finally got to floor 9. I walked out and turned right and seen the room number '913'. I was more nervous than ever and it was weird, i had never been nervous before.. I knocked on the door and the door opens, there she was standing. "Oh my god, Hannah.. you..u..u look stunning!" I stuttered, I looked at her smiling. "Thank you." she said in a sweet tone.

Hannah's POV:|

He was so sweet, I couldn't help but smile. He cleaned up really nice to. He was wearing a white shirt with a black blazer and some kakis. He handed me a bouquet of white roses, i sat them on the kitchen table. He grabbed my hand leading me to the elevator then to his corvette. He opened the door for me and shut it for me. We drove for a few minutes then pulled up to this nice fancy restaurant. We walked in "Reservations for Caniff." Taylor said. I smiled. The waiter brought us to a table with a candle on it. The place was beautiful, there was white lights like from a christmas tree hanging off the ceiling. "This is so beautiful Taylor. You know, you didn't have to!" I said. "Yes, I actually did!" He said. He smiled at me, gosh that smile was too cute, i smiled back. That whole night we cut up laughing, we even got to know each other better. But there was things that i was scared to tell him, scared of him knowing, i know i would have to tell him but not now, not with alot of people around us.

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