Chapter 30:

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•3 hours later•

I woke up after a nap to see it was 5:57. I just wanted to sleep and wake up from this horrible nightmare i was living. Why? How? What? So many thoughts trailed my mind. What did i do to deserve this? All of this; my mom leaving, being alone, being kicked out of my dads, and being hurt by people that are supposed to love me. Maybe no one actually cares, my fans do but no one else... I was by myself on this but this time I was hanging by a thin thin thread. Was this i sign that I shouldn't be here? Or was this people just trying to torture me? Whatever it was I was convinced that im alone in this. It killed me to think the one person im in love with cheated and stabbed me right in the chest. I hadn't talked to anyone in days. Not even my best friends like Hayes or Caitlin. I didn't eat, text, or anything. For days I curled up in the bed getting more deeper in my depression every day. Everyone hated me and to be honest I hate myself to... I heard a slight knock on the door. I laid their and turned around to face the wall acting asleep. Then someone walked in. "Hannah." He said. I didn't answer, He was the last person I wanted to talk to. "Please!" He cried out. I could hear his knees hit the floor. "What?" I said still not budging nor did I look at him. "Hear me out." He cried more. "Go ahead. Say what you want..." I said. So many emotions filled me up. I was sad, upset, angry. A part of me wanted to forgive him but the other wanted to leave him. So i listened to him and what he had to say.

|Taylor's POV:|

"Look at me please! Please Hannah, I love you!" I cried out. She turned to face me, her face was written with anger but at the same time sadness. I grabbed her hand. "Hannah, i love you! I didn't kiss her i swear on everything i didn't. She kissed me." I said, then explaining what happened.. "I would NEVER and i mean EVER kiss another girl Hannah! I love you too much to hurt you like that. I never want to loose you let alone hurt you. Thats the last thing i would ever think about. Your everything I have ever wanted in someone. I love everything about you. I love your hair, your smile, personality, laugh, kissed, hugs, your style, I LOVE YOU," I Yelled. I grabbed her wrists to hold her hand when she winced in pain.

I could tell something wasnt right. Something was wrong. I seen something weird, it look like an ACE wrap you use for hurt wrist or knees. I pulled her sleeve up an seen it.... It brought tears to my eyes to see this. I had never cried hardly but when i seen that, it tore me apart. "Babe, oh my god. This is my fault. Im so sorry I caused you this pain. Im so sorry." I said crying. She had cut herself, the blood was bleeding through the bandage. I couldn't believe I had done this to her. I couldn't believe it, I had hurt the one person i love. What have i done? Im a horrible person and a worse boyfriend. I felt tears coming in, they were burning my eyes. I looked down at her cuts then look at her and then to the ground at my feet. Why? Why did this have to happen to us? Everything was amazing and completely perfect, yes we had our disagreements but we loved each other.

Moments later i decided to continue what i was saying. "Hannah Michaela Kelley, Im in love with you! I have no clue what you have done to me. I don't know if you have put me under a trans or a spell but Im in love with you! I love you with all my heart and never want to loose you in a million years! Your the love of my life. Your the one I want to buy a house with, the one i want to say i do to, the one i wanna see wearing a white dress walking down the isle, the one i want to loose it too, the one i want to have kids with, the one I want to grow old with! I want you and only you babygirl. I love you to the moon and back!" I said grabbing her hand standing her up kissing her cheek and wiping her tears off. |Hannah's POV:| I never ever seen Taylor like this, he never cried like this. Maybe I was wrong, maybe he actually cared.. It still me apart thinking about what had happened. I couldn't just act like everything was ok, I just couldn't.... I love him to death but with that image in my head i cant take it. I love him. I want to be together but i cant have people trying to mess our relationship up.. Im in love with him but hate the fact people hate us being together. What am I gonna do? I stood their deciding what i should do.. Should I just leave and walk out, go back home? Or should i stay and work things out. I wanted to die but at the same time melt into his arms. "Hannah?" He said. I wouldn't budge, I was like frozen ice. Like Queen Elsa had frozen me and my heart... "Hannah! Are you okay?" He yelled. "Do you me-" I tried to say but thats when everything went black.

I woke up but I was in a strange room. I rubbed my eyes to make things clearer only to see that I was in a hospital room. Then a young man walked in "Hi, Hannah. Im your doctor. How are you feeling?" He said. "Im okay. I have a headache and im feeling light headed. Where am I and why?" I asked rubbing my head in confusion. "Your at the Hospital." He said. "But why? What happened?" I asked. "You passed out and went into a coma. You have been asleep for a week & 2 days now." He said "Wait! Why? Why did i pass out?" I said once more. "Have you been self harming? If so thats why. You have hurt yourself so much that you lost a lot of blood." He asked. "I wont tell on you and you wont be in trouble or go anywhere but I need to know Hannah." He continued. I nodded my head yes. "Okay, well we are going to help you. We are going to give you a depression pill to help." He said. "When can I leave?" I said. "Tomorrow." He said walking out the door.

•2 hours later•

I sat their, they brought me food but i didn't eat it.. I wasn't in the mood. "Hannah, you have visitors." A nurse said. "One at a time." She said looking at the people. Who in the hell wants to see me? Then I look and see a magcon hoodie, flippy hair, and a snapback. "Hayes!" I said but he looked really upset. He sat on the hospital bed beside me, I seen him look at my wrists then look away. I heard sniffles and he had wiped his eyes. "Hannah. Why? What made you do this?" He said looking at me with teary eyes. What had I done? I just made my best friend/brother cry. "Im sorry. Its just, just' I said. "What hannah? Who made you do this?" He said. "Taylor." I mumbled. "TAYLOR! WHY? WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU HANNAH?" He yelled. "He didn't do nothing. I thought he did but it turned out to be something different." I said. "Tell me." He demanded. So i did, I hadn't told anyone about what happened.

|Hayes POV:|

Oh my god. What the hell was Taylor doing with his ex in the fucking first place? I knew he would do something like this. He has played and cheated before doesn't surprise me one bit. But with Him cheating on Hannah, now that surprises me. I thought he actually cared about her. I was gonna do something about it, I honestly dont care. Hannah is my best friend and sister, she doesnt deserve this pain. She has been through way too much to deal with him. She deserves better than taylor tbh. I walked out the room and found Taylor. "What the hell did you do to her?" I yelled. "What are you talking about?" He said. "Where your ex kissed you?" I yelled using air quotes. "Umm, Im missing something Hayes?" He said. "I am too! I thought you actually fucking cared about Hannah! But you dont, you cheated on her and lied. You have done it before. Your the player type!" I yelled clenching my fist. "What the hell Hayes? I didnt kiss my ex she kissed me and thats it. I didn't even kiss back. I do love Hannah thank you very much!" He yelled back. We argued and argued until Hannah walked out. "Whats going on?" She asked. "Hayes thinks i purposely cheated on you." Taylor said. "Yeah, I do." I said. "Taylor did you cheat on me?" Hannah asked. "I would never!" Taylor said. "Why cant you believe that?" Hannah said. "Cause i cant. I need to cool off!" I yelled throwing down my hat. I walked to the elevator and went to Cam's car.

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