Chapter 27:

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I woke up next to my love, Taylor. He was already awake watching tv. I kissed his cheek and got up to get dressed. I slipped on a pair of shorts and a shirt. "You know were leaving today because Fourth of July is in a few days." He said. I nodded. I was honestly upset about it, i wasn't spending it with my family. I was just gonna be spending it with my sister. I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see my sister their. "I have to ask you something." She said. I nodded. "Well.." She started and walked into the room. We were in the room where the couch and kitchen table were, Taylor was in bed still. "Matt asked me if I wanted to spend Fourth Of July with him. Is it o-" She tried saying but i went ahead and answered. "Thats fine." I said but lied. It wasn't fine.. I was upset that i was going to be all alone of Fourth of July. She smiled, hugged me, and then walked out the room. I walked back to the room Taylor was in, sat on the corner of the bed, him still laying down. "Im going ahead and packing." I said. "I heard what happened... Come cuddle." He said sitting up wrapping his arms around my stomach. I nodded and crawled back into bed. "I wanted to ask you something baby." He said. "I want you to come home with me. I want to spend fourth of july with you." He said. I turned around facing him and kissed him. "Does that answer your question." I said. He nodded. About two hours later, we packed all our stuff up and put into the car. I rode in my range rover and followed Taylor in his corvette. Taylor and Dillon were riding together of course.

Hannah's House

We got to my house and ended up staying their that night and we were gonna leave in the morning. I went ahead and packed for about a week or two. I finished and curled into bed with Taylor. "I cant believe your coming home with me. Now you can meet the rest of the family." He said. "Does your dad know?" I said. "No, im gonna call him right now." He said pulling out his phone putting it on speaker. "Hey Taylor." His dad said. "Hey dad, I have to tell you something!" He said. "What is it?" He asked. "Hannah is gonna come over and stay for Fourth Of July." Taylor said. "Okay that is perfectly fine. Your step mom and sister have been wanting to meet her!" His dad said. They talked for a bit then said their goodbyes and i love yous then hung the phones up. The whole night he talked about his home. I was honestly excited. I had never been to Indiana.

Next Day•

I woke up made breakfast for everyone. They woke up and ate their food. I went to grab my suit case and take it to taylor's car but Taylor grabbed it "Dont worry i will get this." We only took Taylor's car. This was gonna be a funny car ride especially it being with Taylor and Dillon. We sat down and chilled out for a bit. It was 6:30 and we decided to head out. I got a blanket and laid down in the back. Dillon was in the passenger side and Taylor was driving. We headed off, I tweeted out 'Going to Indiana. cant wait this is going to exciting💘' •Hours later• It was about 9:30 and Dillon was past out. "Smack cam him!" Taylor said. I nodded. I went into a lil bag in the floor board it had all my bathroom stuff in it. I grabbed a can of shaving cream, squirted a bit into my hand when Taylor started vining. I slapped him really hard too. He nudged a bit "What happened?" Dillon said. "Oh nothing go back to sleep." I said trying not to laugh. He curled back up and passed back out. I laughed and so did Taylor. About 2 hours later Taylor started falling asleep while driving. "Taylor pull over. I will drive from here." I demanded. So he did, I got out and sat in the driving seat, him laying down in the back.

•Next Day•

We were almost their. "Boys wake up!" I said shaking Dillon. "What is it?" Dillon groaned, still shaving cream on his face. "Are yall hungry?" I said laughing. "Yes!" Dillon said. "Im hungry!" Taylor groaned. I went to the McDonalds drive thru. I ordered, paid, and got the food. We were almost their, we only had about and hour an a half. They ate while i drove, Dillon and Taylor both fell back asleep. His dad texted me. (D- Taylor's Dad. H- Hannah.) D: Are yall almost here? H: Yes, we are probably about an hour away. D: Okay. Is Taylor driving? H: No😂 He is asleep and so is Dillon. D: They are lazy😂. Well im going to work so I will not be there when yall get here. Jordan will be there though. H: Okay thank you. and see yall soon.

1 hour later•

Finally, we were here it was 1:45. I parked in the driveway, Jordan walking out the house. "Hey!" He said greeting me. I waved, "I want to prank the boys. Do yall have any old fire crackers?" I asked. "Let me go check." He said walking to the garage. Moments later he walked back to me. "Yes we do." He said. I told him the plan. I was on one side of the corvette and Jordan was on the other side. We lit the fire crackers on fire and threw them close to the car. Next thing you heard was *pop pop pop*, then Dillon and Taylor hollering. I laughed so hard. Taylor got out the car looked at Jordan "Wasn't me!" He said pointing to me. Taylor looked at me laughing and he started chasing me. I fell onto the grass laughing so hard and he kinda tackled me at the same time. "I will get you back!" He smirked. He helped me up and thats when Tristen ran outside. "Hannah!" He screamed running towards me. "Tristen!" I hollered. He ran to me and hugged me. Then taylor's step mom walked out, "So this is your lovely girlfriend you have been telling me about." She said walking towards me hugging me. Taylor nodded and I smiled. "Follow me." Taylor said grabbing his suit case. So i grabbed mine and followed him. We walked into this room where their were posters, letters, pictures hanging everywhere then a big sign saying MAGCON. "This is my room." Taylor said laying on his bed. "And your staying in here with me!" He ordered grabbing me pulling me onto the bed. Moments later i heard our names being screamed. "TAYLOR! HANNAH!" Dillon yelled. We started laughing. I got up and walked to the deranged Dillon, and taylor followed. We got to Dillon, he was looking in the mirror wiping all the shaving cream off. "Yes?" I said trying to hide a laugh. "Did yall smack cam me?" He said. "It was Taylor's Idea!" I said pointing to Taylor. "But you did it!" He argued back. "I will get both of yall back" Dillon said laughing.

2 hours later•

"Michael meet Hannah, Hannah meet Michael!" Taylor said introducing us. "Hey." Michael said. I waved and smiled. I wasn't really the biggest type on meeting a bunch of people. "Yall hang out and I will just hang with Tristen." I said. They all walked off. I sat in the living room with both his little brother and step mom. Me and his step mom talked for hours. "You have any brothers or sisters?" She asked. "Yes, I have 2 sisters and 4 brothers. And im the oldest." I said laughing. "That's a lot. What do they look like?" She asked. I pulled my phone out and scrolled through pictures. I showed her my sister Kaitlyn and Marie first. "Aw, the baby is so cute and she is pretty." She said pointing to Marie first then Kaitlyn. Then i showed her Josh, then Tyler and Jamie. I scrolled through my pictures looking for Ray, I stared at it for a moment starting to tear up. "And this is Ray, my youngest brother." I said. "He is a cutie! How old is he?" She asked. "Umm, he will be 6 in October." I said. "You get to see him?" She asked. "I paused for a moment thinking back to everything that happened a year ago. "No, I dont." I said looking down. She asked why and I answered. For some reason I felt like i could tell her anything, I blurted everything out! It felt really good. After i got done telling her she sat by me and hugged me. "If you ever need to talk to me just call, text, or come to me." She said. I got up went to taylor's room and changed into sweatpants and a shirt. No one had ever been like that, not my mom or my step mom.

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