Chapter 14:

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|Hannah's POV:|

It was the last day of school before Christmas break and nothing really happened that day. Also today was mine and Taylor's 6 month. I was ready to get home and call him. Finally the bell rang, meaning it was time to go home. I walked to the front of the school and didn't see my mom or Chris to pick me up. "All alone again?" I heard a girl scoffing at me barely pushing me. It was one of my old friends, Britney. We were friends until she started being fake and talking all kinds of shit about me but I just ignored her. A few minutes later I heard a car honk and then i felt someone grabbing my hand picking me up hugging me. I seen the white corvette and instantly knew. "Taylor! Oh my god i missed you to death!" I said tearing up. "I missed you too babygirl!" He said kissing my cheek. "Maan nice car!" Some guy said. Taylor smiled. He lead me to the passenger side and opening the door for me. He got in the driver seat and started the car taking off. "Where you wanna eat?" He asked. "You pick!" I said. He nodded and we drove off finally we ended up at Taco Bell. That was like one of our favorite places. We walked in and ordered our food.

1 hour later•

We were done eating and we headed to my house. When we pulled up i heard my ex say "Thats a nice car, I wonder who's that is!" He said. I hopped out with Taylor and grabbed his hand, next thing i knew my ex started walking over. "Man, that a bad ass car!" He said "Thanks man!" Taylor said. 'Dont shake hands dont shake hands' i thought to myself but they did anyways. I had told Taylor that i moved in by my ex but I guess he had forgotten. They were getting along and i honestly hated it. "Whats your name?" Taylor said. "Im Gage." he said. "Baby lets go inside." i said to Taylor grabbing his hand but he wouldnt come with me instead him and gage were talking. I let go of his hand and walked into the house. I was pissed off, i hated that they were getting along. Me and Gage were together for 10 months, it was honestly pure hell for me. We always argued and fought because he wanted things and i wouldnt give it to him if you know what i mean.

•20 minutes later•

I was laying on my bed texting Caitlin telling her what was going on and then i heard my door open. I didn't look up because I already knew it was Taylor.. "Whats wrong?" He asked. "I don't like that..." I said. "Like what?" He asked "Y'all getting along!" I said "Why not? I mean he is cool." He said. "Thats my ex! The one that treated me like shit! The one who wanted me to do things Taylor!" I hollered. "Im sorry! I didn't know if i did i wouldn't have talked to him, I would have ringed his neck." He said, he come up and laid there next to me and cuddled me. I played with his hair and kissed his forehead "Its fine!" I said. After awhile we slowly fell asleep.

•Next day•

I woke up and Taylor was still cuddling me, It was really cute. I turned to him and kissed his cheek "Good morning baby!" I said softly. "Good morning babe." He said in a sexy morning voice. I got up and made breakfast, i made pancakes, eggs, and sausage. Me, my mom, Taylor, Chris, and my sister all sat at the table and ate. "Sweetie, Your going to the doctor's appointment with me today?" my mom said looking at me and my sister. I nodded my head. "Is is fine if i stay for about 2 weeks?" Taylor asked my mom. "Of course!" She said getting up putting he plate in the sink. My mom really like Taylor, she was always saying good things about him. 2 hours later• It was almost time to go to the doctor office so i got ready. I pulled my hair up in a bun with a white bandana. I slipped on my pink boyfriend PINK crew shirt with blue jean shorts and my white vans. My sister had on some leggings and an over sized t-shirt. I kissed Taylor on the cheek while he was watching Netflix. I grabbed the keys seeing as i had to drive. I started the car waiting on both my sister and mom so i decided to take some selfies. I take a lot of selfies. Finally they gotten in the car and we headed to the doctors office.

•1 hour later•

We were already on our way back home. I was so excited, we knew what the baby was. She was having a baby girl! I couldn't wait to have a baby sister! Now all i had to do was plan for a baby shower and i couldnt wait. So i decided to go ahead and start, it really wasnt that hard because a pink meant girl. So i had to get alot of pink. The baby shower was in 2 weeks and i couldn't wait. A few minutes later a black jeep pulls into the driveway and i had no idea who it was. I heard a knock on the door and i opened it to see Matthew standing at the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Im visiting my girlfriend for a little bit!" He said looking at my sister smiling. Taylor came out of my bedroom and hugged Matt. My sister seen Matthew and ran to him, hugging him tightly and started tearing up. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her room.

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