Chapter 29:

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It was 4:30 time for the party to start. People were walking from down the street to the house. I was having a blast. I was hanging out with Dillon until i seen it.. I was talking to Dillon, I looked around and seen her. It was a blonde headed girl, she looked really familiar. I thought about it for a minute or two then thats when it came to me. It was Taylor's ex.. What in the living hell was she doing here? At first i didn't care and kept on talking to Dillon but when she started talking to Taylor was when i about lost it. I decided to walk inside, to his room and sit in their for a minute. I called my sister. "Hey, so guess who is here at the fourth of july party." I said. "Who?" She asked. "Taylor's ex and she sitting their and kinda like rubbing up on him. I dont like it..." I said. "Wait the real pretty blonde one?" She said. What the hell? Was it appreciate ex's day.. That was the one that had cheated on him, why was she even here. I hung up the phone because my sister just made me more pissed off.

30 minutes later•

I walk out carrying my drink in my hand. I was looking for Taylor. I walked towards the kitchen when i seen it. I seen Taylor and his ex kissing. My heart immediately broke, I heard it crack. I dropped my cup and heard it break right when it hit the floor. Tears started forming in my eyes. They were burning my eyes. I ran to the room across from taylor's which was the guest bedroom. I slammed the door and locked it. "Hannah! Its not what it looks like. She kissed me, I didn't kiss her!! Hannah! Answer me." Taylor yelled. I sat their thinking to myself. Why did this have to happen to me? Everything was amazing and perfect. I need to talk to someone. I cant call my mom or my friends. Everyone was busy with fourth of july. I sat in the room, cried and cried. Taylor wasn't yelling anymore so i guess he left. I still couldn't comprehend everything that had just happened. Did taylor just cheat on me? Did he lie to me? I looked at the ring staring at it. "DOES THIS EVEN MEAN ANYTHING TO HIM!" I yelled taking the ring off and throwing it. I laid in the bed crying and crying.

Hours later•

I couldn't take the pain anymore. I had to stop it. This is how it used to be for me, I was always depressed and cutting. I went to the bathroom, grabbed a blade and did it. I couldn't take it, I had been balling my eyes out for what seemed like hours. One, then two, then six, then more. I finally stopped, it eased the pain i guess. I walked back to the room and heard a faint knock on the door "Hannah! Come watch the fireworks with me." Tristen said. "Fine." I said clearing up my face and slipped on a hoodie covering the cuts. I walked out and he grabbed my hand leading me outside. I sat in a chair next to Dillon, Tristen sat in my lap. I sat their and watched the beautiful fireworks. "What is that? Is their something wrong with you jacket hannah?" Tristen asked. I looked down to see the cuts bleeding through. I nodded, " I will be right back!" I said. I jumped up. "Are you okay?" Dillon asked. I ignored him and kept walking. I walked to the bathroom washing the blood and the jacket. I then wrapped it up and put a black hoodie on. I walked back to the room and heard my name. "Hannah!" Dillon said. "What?" I said. "Whats wrong! Something is wrong." He said. "Why dont you ask your best friend?" I said tearing up. I sat on the bed planting my head into my hands, I couldn't get the image out of my head. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Your best friend cheated on me. He fucking cheated on me." I yelled sobbing. "He would never." Dillon said. "Well he did. I seen it with my own two eyes Dillon! Go ask him for yourself. I just want to be alone right now!" I yelled. I laid down and thought to myself. I cried and cried. I wanted to die, i didn't want to be in the world. I hopped onto twitter and posted a few post. I sat their thinking to myself. And i cried myself asleep.

|Dillon's POV:|

I wanted to find out what happened. Hannah was too upset to talk so I went to Taylor. Everyone was leaving so now was my chance. I grabbed Taylor and pulled him aside. "Whats wrong with Hannah? She is in the guest bedroom balling her eyes out completely!" I asked. "Okay so this is what happene-"

|Dillon's POV:| "This is what happened.. I was in the kitchen to grab something to drink and my ex was following me. I asked her to stop but she wouldn't. I just ignored her. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge grabbed the tea, turned around to get a cup and she grabbed me and kissed me. Right when she kissed me thats when Hannah seen it. I pushed away right away. I swear I didn't kiss her back! I WOULD NEVER! I love Hannah!" Taylor said. I could tell he did and that he meant it. "You need to talk to Hannah but I would wait till tomorrow." I said.He nodded and walked inside.

|Hannah's POV:|

•2 Days later•

I woke up, it was 12:30 and i was feeling like shit. I avoided everyone. I didn't talk to anyone, didn't walk out of that room, nor did i eat. The thought was still haunting me. I could still see it, i still had that image in my head. Thats all i seen. I felt the urge to the throw up, it was about to come up. I ran to the bathroom, sat on the floor, and threw up into the toilet. After I was done, I sat in the floor and cried. I got up walked to the room and I decided I was going to leave and go back to Chattanooga. I didn't want to stay their and i wasn't going to be with someone who is gonna cheat on me

Taylor was still asleep so i ran to his room and grabbed my suitcase. Walking back to the guest bedroom. I went through it, pulling out Taylor's shirts he left in their. I grabbed them, folded them up, sitting them on his bed and the ring he gave me on top of it. It killed me to do that, but he had just cheated on me. For a moment I looked at him while he was sleeping, I could feel the tears starting to burn my eyes. What did i do? I never hurt him or did anything like that. I walked back to the room, shut the door and instantly fell to the floor. I curled my knees into my chest holding them and sat my head onto my knees crying.

1 hour later•

My phone was buzzing off the hook. It was twitter, one person posted 'Hannah, post a youtube video. I miss seeing your beautiful face.💜 @arielbaby_015.' So i thought why not. 'If i make a youtube video what would yall like me to do?' I posted, receiving qhundreds of replies. Post saying 'Singing video😍' and so i did. I walked to my suit case and set my tripod up then my camera. I set it all up in a corner where the lighting was perfect but i still felt and looked like shit. I grabbed my guitar and pressed record. I didnt say anything, i just started singing Half A Heart by One Direction. 🎵Only half of blue sky kinda there but not quite. Im walking around with just one shoe. Im half a heart without you. Im half a man, at best. With half an arrow in my chest cause i miss everything we do. Im half a heart without you.🎵

I was honestly singing this towards Taylor. I started to think of the good memories me and taylor had first ever meeting, daytona beach, promise ring, traveling, cuddling... Then it hit me, the thought of that whore and him, I started crying while singing. I finally ended the song 'I love you all so much just know that.' I said faking a smile. I ended the video.. I laid back down grabbing my laptop, uploading it to youtube. It finally finished processing and posted 'Go watch my new cover😚🎵' I said on twitter. And laid back down. •2 hours later• People were blowing up my notifications asking what was wrong. 'Im ok guys....' I posted. Obviously they knew I was lying and they demanded to know. 'Just alot is going on.' I posted once more. 'I just honestly dont know if i can take it guys. I love you all so much love's😔💘'. I immediately got more notifications and people started to post #StayStrongHannah or #WeLoveYouHannah. It made me tear up bad. 'At least I know yall care😘 i love you' I posted.

A few moments later someone posted 'but taylor loves you too.' I faved it but i honestly didn't believe it. 'People just grow apart and change sometimes😔' I posted once more. I was really in my feelings. Moments later, Taylor posted 'I love you & im sorry😔💘'. Then he posted again 'i love you to the moon & back and always will no matter what.💜'. Then tweets and dm's were coming in saying 'DID YOU AND TAYLOR BREAK UP?' 'IS #HAYLOR OVER?😩' The fans seemed to be honestly really upset about it. 'Guys, I dont know whats going on. I just have to see what happens. I love you all🌸' That whole night people dm'd me and tweeted me if we were really over then asking what happened. Was it really over between us? Did we really break up?

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