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"Class," Mrs. Cho said. "We have a new student joining us today."

You put your pencil down and looked up, smiling at the sight of the new kid. He smiled as he stood in the front of the class, an award winning, beautiful smile.

"Hi, my name is Lee Felix. I hope we get along this year."

"You can sit next to Y/N." Mrs. Cho told him.

You raised your hand and caught Felix's attention, and he quietly walked over and took the desk not too far from yours.

"Hi, I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you."

You and Felix walked out of class and headed to lunch. You turned a corner and a big crowd encircled something, making you sigh.

"Welcome to Seoul High, Felix."

You pushed your way through the crowd and found yourself looking down at a mess. Jae, a freshmen, had a busted lip, while Dae, A senior, had blood on his hand.

"Stop picking on him, Dae," you said calmly. "Did you not learn how to keep your hands off of other people?"

You kneeled down and carefully lifted Jae up by the shoulders, and that's when you noticed the bruise on his right cheek.

"Hop on." You said, turning around.

He carefully lifted himself up and threw his legs around your waist, and his arms around your shoulders. You held his hands together with your right hand and put your left hand under one of his thighs for support, making your way back through the crowd.

Once you found your way out, Felix looked at you with wide eyes.

You smiled at him. "Let's go."

He nodded and followed you as you walked to the nurses office. You set Jae down on one of the beds, positioning a pillow under his head.

"Y/N, the nurse isn't here." Felix said.

You started gathering supplies. "I know."

You went back to the bed and sat next to Jae. You cleaned the blood off his lip and put a little bandage on it, then you gave him some ice for his cheek.

"Why'd he do it this time?" You asked.

Jae sighed. "I didn't give him my homework."

"Good. I mean, not good for you being hurt, but good for you for saying no to him." You paused and patted his knee. "It really says something when a freshmen is doing senior homework, that a senior can't even do." He cracked a smile, making you smile. "By the way, this is Felix. He's new here. Felix, this is Jae."

"It's nice to meet you." They said simultaneously.

"Felix and I can walk you to the lunchroom. Is that okay?"

"Actually, can you just bring me a water from the lunchroom, and I'll stay in here?"

"Of course."

After you left the room, Felix looked back at Jae. "What is Y/N like?"

"She's like the mom of the school; she's very sweet and caring, and she always looks out for everyone."

Felix caught himself smiling and nodded. "Yeah, she does seem very kind-hearted."

Jae looked at Felix and his smile faded. "Although, I think-"

"Here you go Jae. Please rest well and eat properly."

You cut him off as you came back and handed him the water. "Thank you, Y/N."

You smiled at him and you and Felix left the room. Felix wondered what Jae was going to say.

After school, you walked outside, stopping at the sight of Felix standing on the wall. It was already around six, since you had to stay after school to tutor some kids, but Felix had probably been standing there since school let out.

"Hey Felix." You said.

He looked up from his phone and smiled. "Hey."

"Your cheeks are pink from the cold!"

His smile grew. "Are they?"

"Very." You paused. "Hey, do you wanna go get some food?"

He looked at you with slightly wide eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Definitely, come on."

You began walking and he happily walked behind you. You and Felix got in your car and made sure to turn the heater on, then you headed off to the little café around the corner.

"Were you standing outside since school let out?" You asked.

You glanced over at him and he nodded with dusty cheeks. "Yeah, my mom was supposed to pick me up, but she got occupied."

You nodded. "Does she drive you often?"

"No, but since this was my first day she insisted on taking me."

You smiled at his reply and pulled into the parking lot. You got out and got seated, ordering your meals.

"Tell me about yourself, Felix."

"Okay." He paused and shifted in his seat. "I'm eighteen, I dance, I've been told that I have a deep and charming voice, and I'm from Australia."

"Really? You're from Australia?"

"Yeah, are you from there?" He asked, curious at your slight exclamation.

(i feel like i get roasted in my comments for this first line way too much, so if you're from australia, here's an alternative line for you😼)

"No, but I'm from H/C." OR "I am, actually. Surprise."

The waitress came back with your food and drinks, setting them on the table. You pulled your drink closer and remembered something.

"Wait, you said you have a deep and charming voice. I have to hear it."

You put your straw in your mouth as he smiled and cleared his throat. "Thank you for letting me join you, Y/N."

You almost choked on your drink at the surprising octave of his voice. "I didn't expect it to be that deep."

He laughed and took a bite of his food. "Your turn, Y/N."

"I'm seventeen, my favorite color is F/C, my hobbies are (insert hobbies), and I love caring for other people." You told him.

"Jae did tell me that you were like the mom of the school." He replied.

You smiled. "A lot of people say that, but I just see it as being kind."

About twenty minutes passed of the two of you getting to know each other and eating, then you headed back out. He told you his address and you dropped him off after saying your goodbyes and such. Afterwards you went home and laid in bed, happy about meeting Felix.



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