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"No body wants you, Y/N. I never did."

Is what he said to you.

Still shaken from your nightmare, you stared at your desk, hood up.

"Hey, Y/N."

You flinched, an odd noise slipping from your mouth until you realized it was Felix's voice. You took a breath and looked at him, putting on the best smile you could manage.

"Hi, Felix."

He hesitantly sat down, his head tilted.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm great." You replied, your voice quiet.

You didn't sound very convincing, even to yourself, and you were sure Felix caught it. He looked away, concern evident on his face, but he was being polite on not pushing with the questions he definitely had.

"Class, we have a project to do." Mrs. Cho began. "I will pair you up myself."

She wrote several pairs on the board before she wrote Felix's name, next to your name. Your mood lightened a little bit as you looked at Felix, that breathtaking smile on his face.

The whole class period you worked on the first half of the project independently, which was for each person to write about a family member they admire and why. The second part was to pick a friend who you admire and why.

And that's when you noticed the beautiful freckles Felix had.

At lunch, you and Felix sat together, like usual.

"Were you okay in class earlier? You seemed upset about something." Felix asked.

"Yeah, I just-"


You turned at the voice and saw Mina, your best friend. She ran over and sat next to you, hugging you.

"I'm so glad you're back!" You exclaimed.

She smiled and looked at Felix. Your heart dropped as she eyed him, that familiar look in her eyes. It made you want to shield him; protect him from the way she was looking at him.

"Who's this?" She asked.

You sighed and sat back down. "Felix. He's new."

"You are so hot, and those freckles."

She just kept going on about Felix, and it was getting tiring. Under the table, your nails dug into your palms at how hard you were making fists. You glanced at Felix and he looked extremely uncomfortable, giving you pleading eyes to shut her up.

You looked at her. "Mina, how was your trip to Thai-"

"Shut up, I'm talking to Felix."

You flinched at her tone, that tone sounded scarily familiar. You looked down, and under the table you set your foot next to Felix's, for some sort of comfort.

"Where'd you come from? Do you have abs? What's your nationality?"

As you listened to her questions, tears brimmed your eyes. As she kept talking, Felix put his leg on the other side of yours, and you felt tears run down your cheeks.

"Can you stop asking those questions, Mina?" You quickly wipes your eyes. "You're being rudely invasive."

She eyed you, her expression mean. "Why are you crying?"

You broke eye contact and got up, pulling your hood up as you left the cafeteria. Felix glances at Mina, giving her a look, and ran out of the cafeteria after you, looking everywhere for you. He looked in all the hallways, classrooms, the courtyard, everywhere.

It was like you disappeared.

After school, Felix drove to your house and knocked on your front door.

"Hello- oh Felix, what a pleasure! What brings you here, honey?" Your mom asked.

"Y/N came home today right?" He asked.

"She did, why?"

"Something happened at lunch today and she got really upset," Felix explainer. "I couldn't find her when I looked for her."

"She did come home early." She paused. "But if you want you can go see her, she's in her room."

"Thank you so much."

Your mom told him where your room was, so he quickly went upstairs and knocked, opening your door afterwards.

He smiled at the sight in front of him. You were asleep, cuddling with the plushie he got you. Felix thought you looked so peaceful when you slept.

He quietly walked over to your desk and grabbed a sticky note and a pen, then he wrote you a little note. He looked down at you again and gently grabbed your hand, giving it a little squeeze. He didn't know why you got so upset, but he wanted to make you feel better somehow.



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