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"Honey, the way Y/N looks at you isn't fake. I don't think that girl would say such things about you." Felix's mom said the next morning.

"It hurts mom, it really hurts." Felix whimpered.

She walked over and pulled him into a hug. "This is all just a misunderstanding." She pulled back and patted Felix's cheek. "Now go to school and figure it out."

"Felix!" Jae called as he walked into school.

Felix walked up to him. "Yeah?"

"Can I see that video? The one of Y/N talking about you."

"Uh, sure."

Felix pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Jae. He watched it and listened very intensively. After three times of watching it back, he gave Felix his phone.

"Y/N had a complete breakdown in one of the classrooms yesterday. She hates the fact that you're mad at her." He said.

Felix looked down. "I know."

"And you know she didn't say that, right?"

"She obviously did."

"Okay, yeah she said it, but not in that way. If you listen to it really closely, you can tell that the actual clip had been cut and edited at some of the parts."

"Okay, so who cut it?"

"What's the number that sent you the video?"

Felix told him, and Jae started texting someone.

"Y/N said it was Mina's number."

At lunch Mina sat with Felix, and Jae watched from his table. You weren't at school that day, which worried Felix, a lot, but it made his plan much easier.

"Hey, Mina. Can I see your phone?" He asked.

"For what?"

"I'm giving you my number."

Felix mentally cringed at the way Mina bit her lip and unlocked her phone, handing it to him.

He put his number in like he said he would, but be also went to her camera roll. There were two videos, a two minute long one, and a fifteen second one. Felix sent both of them to himself, deleted the text off her phone and his number, then Felix handed her phone back.

"Where's your number?" She trailed off and looked at him.

Felix smirked and leaned in. "Messing with mine and Y/N's relationship was really messed up, but the fact that you did such a thing to her for a boy, is even worse."

Felix got up and left the cafeteria, Jae by his side, and Mina sat at the table completely shocked. Jae and Felix ran to an empty classroom and shut the door.

"You got it?" He asked.

"I did."

He clicked on the two minute long video and pressed play.

"Felix?" Y/N said.

"Yeah, do you like him?" Mina's voice rang.

"Yeah, I really do." Y/N replied happily.

"Did you know I liked him?"

"Oh gosh, no. I never thought you actually liked him."

"Why are you so nice to him?"

"Well at first I was just nice to him because he was new, and I wanted to be his friend. Every new kid deserves to be welcomed, but I really started to like him after I got to know him and I started catching feelings for him."

"Ew, you two are so annoying." Mina growled.

"He's actually not annoying. You are, and frankly, I'm not really sure I want to be friends with you anymore. You're really inconsiderate and rude to me, and to Felix. Also, you really need to stop trying to jump him."

Felix's heart broke at the fact that he said all of those things to you when you were telling the truth.

"See? It was all just a misunderstanding."

"Yeah." Felix paused and got up. "I really need to apologize to her."

"You should."

"It hurts, Mom, it really hurts." You cried.

"I know, I know." She patted your back. "He was probably scared that you actually said those things, so he put his guard up."

"But he should know that I wouldn't say those things!"

"Y/N, listen to me." She demanded, pulling away and making you look at her. "The way that boy looks at you is something special. He feels something for you. That's probably why he was so hurt, because he felt something so strong for you."

You started crying even harder and the door bell rang. You forced yourself off the couch and went to the door, opening it.

You were immediately attacked with a hug, and you could tell it was Felix.

"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N." He whimpered.

You wrapped your arms around his torso and cried into his shoulder. Eventually you pulled away and walked up to your bedroom, sitting on your bed criss cross, facing each other.

"I should've listened to you." Felix wiped at his eyes.

"I thought you would hate me forever." You looked up, and Felix pulled you closer to him. "You were the only person that made me feel pretty, that made me happy, that made me forget about how much I hated myself. Everyone else made me feel big and ugly-"

He cut you off by gently pressing his lips to yours, and you immediately responded. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.

"You're none of those things. You're perfect to me, and you shouldn't hate yourself." He moved, and laid his head on your shoulder. "I'm sorry I acted the way I did. I was just scared that you actually didn't like me, and you were just faking it."

You cupped his cheeks and made him look at you.

"I understand. I was scared that you were mad at me, but we're okay now, and that's all that matters."

He nodded and smiled, then he kissed away a tear that was on your cheek.

"I really am grateful for you, Y/N."

"I'm really grateful for you too, Felix."



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