twenty one.

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tw: talk of blood!


Wake up!" Someone yelled, jerking you awake.

Once your eyes focused and you realized who took you, you leaned your head back on the wall.

"Why? Why do you guys hate me so much?" You said, almost too quiet.

"Because Dae, Sori, and I were all thinking. We want to destroy you, Y/N." Mina smiled. "That's all."

It sounded so ridiculous coming out of her mouth. You sighed and tried to move your arms, but they were tied together by your wrists.

"Seriously? This is crazy!" You yelled.

"Just wait until you see what we have planned out for you. Then you'll see just how crazy this is." Sori smirked.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" You yelled. "This is insane! Why don't you just get a restraining order or something, move schools?"

"We wouldn't get to see you suffer if we just pushed you aside." Dae sounded. "That's no fun, is it baby?"

"Don't ever call me that." You growled. "God, all of this over Felix."

"Duh." Mina rolled her eyes. "We'll give you one call. To whomever you'd like. Mom? Dad?-"




"We should have a safe word, or safe phrase." Felix said.

"For what?"

"If one of us is ever in danger, or if it's an emergency of some kind. It would be really helpful."

"I agree." you said, thinking. "What about 'take care of my cat'? It's simple and seems normal, neither of us have a cat, but no one else would know that."

"I like it. That's good."

-end of flashback-

"Hello?" Felix's voice rang from the other end.

"Felix?" You whispered.

"Y/N! Where are you? Are you safe?"

You looked up at the three psychopaths in front of you, all of them glaring at you.

"I'm- safe." You lied, your voice cracking. "Felix, I love you. Take care of my cat, okay?"

"Of course I will. I love you princess."

Mina hung up and grabbed your neck.

"You just had to tell him you loved him didn't you? Rub it in our faces?"

"I'm sorry." You whispered.

Sori groaned. "Not good enough."

Sori went in front of Mina and pushed something into your shoulder, something extremely painful. Then she pulled it out, and you saw that she pulled out a knife. You were so utterly confused. You were so utterly dumbfounded that they were doing this over one boy that didn't even acknowledge them.

You watched the blood soak through your shirt. "You stabbed me?"

"Strike one, princess."

"Y/N doesn't have a cat." Chan stated.

"I know, it's our safe phrase." Felix sighed, running his hand through his hair.

He dialed nine-one-one and put his phone up to his ear. "Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?"

"My girlfriend has been abducted. I know she's in danger because she used a safe phrase that we made."

"Okay sir, what's her name?"

"Y/N L/N."

"We'll send out an amber alert and dispatch police to your location for information, okay?"

"Yes, okay. Thank you." Felix hung up and turned to Chan. "They're sending out an amber alert and police are on their way right now."

"I heard you called Felix and didn't get to talk to him, is that right?" Mina grinned.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Do you know who's voice it was?"

You looked at her and ran the call through your head.

"Felix's girlfriend, who is this?"

"It was you!" You screamed.

"That's right. I hacked into his phone, knowing you'd call him. Genius, right?"

"Yeah, that was really clever." You bit. "I'm surprised you're smart enough to do that type of thing."

She looked at you, then lunged for you seconds later. "Listen here, Y/N. You're gonna play by my rules, and you're not gonna talk back. Understand?!"


"When was the last time you saw her, Felix?"

"Last night. The three of us went star gazing, and she said she forgot her phone in my car. I insisted we go with her but she wanted me and Chan to visit. Then she didn't come back." He told them, holding back tears. "I should've just gone with her anyway."

"Hey, this is not your fault. No one could have seen this coming. Is Y/N's phone still in your car?"

"No, I brought it in last night."

"May I see it?"

Felix nodded and quickly went upstairs and grabbed it, going back down and giving it to the officer.

"So, she didn't get to the car before she got abducted. Do you think she got any calls or texts that seemed suspicious?"

"No, she would've told me," he paused and thought. "Actually, she told me she called me and a girl answered, claiming she was my girlfriend, but I was with Chan and I never got a call from Y/N that night."

"Do you maybe have an idea of who would want to harm her?"

"There's three kids at our school that always bothered her, but I thought she handled the situation."

"Can you give me their names?"

"Bom Dae, Park Sori, and Kim Mina."

"Thank you. We'll do everything we can to find her-"

"Felix, what's going on?" Mrs. Lee popped in, cutting the officer off.

Felix got up and stood in front of his mom, his tears stained cheeks alarming her. "Y/N got kidnapped last night."

"Oh, my gosh." She said, covering her mouth with a shaky hand. "Do her parents know?"

Just then, everyone's phones started going off, so Felix took his out and looked at it. The amber alert for Y/N was sent out.

"They will if they don't already."



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