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tw: mention of cutting.


As you got ready for school, you thought about Felix, and how grateful you were for him. Although, you didn't feel great, like how you didn't feel great the day you had your episode in front of Felix. Like something was off in the universe.

"You're fine, Y/N." You whispered to yourself.

You pulled your hoodie and put black leggings on, trying to keep your breathing steady. You grabbed your stuff as you headed downstairs, grabbed an apple and left, not saying a word to your parents.

When you got to school, you looked at the uneaten apple, unsure of why you grabbed it in the first place if you didn't have an appetite. Maybe to convince yourself that you were fine? You sighed and grabbed your stuff, heading inside.

You kept your head down as you walked through the hallway, but someone grabbed your arm, making you flinch.

"Baby, it's just me." Felix said, pulling you into his chest. "Why are you so pale?"

"I don't feel good Felix. Something's not right." You whispered, your body relaxing into his.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember that day I had my episode?" You asked, and he nodded. "I feel like that. Like I'm on the verge of a breakdown."

"I want you to breathe, okay?" He pulled away, making you look at him.

The affection in his eyes calmed you down and his freckles reminded you of the little kisses he would leave on your cheeks.

"I'll be right here, holding your hand if anything happens."

At lunch, you finally found out what was causing the brink of your mental breakdown. Mina walked in, arms linked with Dae. They looked over and gave you those sly smiles, heading towards you.

Felix had gone to the restroom. He wasn't there to hold your hand.

"Hey, Y/N." Dae smirked as the two of them sat in front of you.

You hated that there were already tears in your eyes. "Leave me alone."

"Why would we do that to such a vulnerable girl." Mina giggled, kicking you in the shin.

"So ugly, repulsive, unwanted. Felix doesn't want you." Dae chuckled grimly. "He pities you. No one could ever love you."

"No body wants you, Y/N. I never did."

"Stop." You said, grabbing at your arms.

You could feel the blood seeping through your hoodie.

"What are you gonna do if we don't. Go home and cut yourself?" Mina snapped.

You ran out of the cafeteria, wiping to get the tears off your face. You looked down at the trail of blood you didn't know you were making, then you ran into somebody.

you squealed and they grabbed your arms, making you look down as you wiped at your blood stained hoodie.

"Y/N, look at me." Felix said, making you look up. "What happened?"

"They said things." You whispered, barely managing to speak correctly. "I'm bleeding."

You looked back down and frantically wiped at your arms, falling to your knees and looking up at Felix.

"Get it off, please." You begged as he helped you get up.

"Come on."

He gently grabbed your arm and walked you out of the school, getting in his car. He looked in his back seat, mumbling something about a cloth or something. He didn't see anything and looked at you. As you wiped at your arms, he swiftly took off his shirt and lifted up your sleeves. He wiped your arms with his shirt, and held it up to you.

"Y/N, you're good, you're not bleeding." He whispered, looking into your eyes affectionately.

You looked down. "I'm sorry."

He gently grabbed your chin to make you look at him. "You have nothing to be sorry about."

He kissed your cheek, then he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.

You woke up, not realizing your surroundings until you focused on the bed spread, telling you that you were in Felix's bed. You rubbed your eyes sleepily, slowly sitting up and holding your head in your hands.

"Hey, princess." Felix's soft voice sounded from in front of you. "How do you feel?"

"Tired." You replied, looking down at your lap, noticing you were only in an oversized white t-shirt. "Did you," you paused as your cheeks got hot. "Change my clothes?"

He smiled shyly, his cheeks getting pink too. "Yeah, I'm sorry. When we got here you were sweating, so I got worried and changed you into something more comfortable."

"No, it's okay, thank you." You sighed.

He came and sat next to you, patting his lap, saying he wanted you to lay your head in his lap.

He started playing with your hair. "You want to tell me what happened, baby?"

"After you left, Mina and Dae walked in, with their arms linked." You sighed. "They came over and started insulting me. Mina told me I was fun to mess with since I was 'vulnerable'. Then Dae, he told me I was repulsive, ugly, unwanted," You trailed off ad you looked up at Felix. "They told me you don't want me."

"You're all I've ever wanted, Y/N." He leaned down and kissed your forehead. "Although, that sounds really familiar."

Your stomach dropped, the thought of speaking about it making you nauseous. "Dae is the ex boyfriend. He was the one who ruined my self esteem."

Felix made an 'o' shape with his mouth. "Why didn't you tell me. I could've helped you put him in his place."

"I didn't want to bring it up. He was in my past and I wanted to leave my past behind, and I knew you'd try to fight him." You chuckled.

He smiled sweetly, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear and caressing your cheek.

"After Dae ruined me, Mina took me under her wing, made me think we were best friends. I didn't realize our friendship was fake until the day she got back from Thailand, and she tried to get at you. I saw that she changed, and now that she's fully turned on me, dating the ex boyfriend who broke the positive mindset I had for myself, I guess it made my breakdown that much worse."

"Well, Y/N," He started, moving you to the head of his bed and laying his arm under your head, and you locked eyes with each other. "I'm here to pick up all your pieces. We've made progress, but I'm going to be here to see you rebuild your self love, and I'm going to help you."

"Thank you, Felix." You smiled, kissing his nose. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Silence fell upon you for a couple of minutes, as you admired each other up close and personal.

"I drove my car to school this morning." You spoke up, and Felix grinned at you.

"I'm a step ahead of you, Y/N."



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