twenty six.

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The next morning, you woke up and Felix was still sleeping soundly. You quietly got out of bed and tiptoed through the hall towards the kitchen.

You grabbed some ingredients for french toast and started making breakfast for the two of you, and as you were setting the plates down on the counter, you heard sleepy footsteps coming into the kitchen.

"Morning, freckles."

"Good morning, princess."

Felix kissed your cheek and sat down, starting on his food. You sat across from him and began on your own food, cautious about the question you were about to ask.

"How do you feel?" You asked.

"Good, I have to get ready for practice-" He stopped and shut his eyes for a moment. "I forgot." He whispered.

You grabbed his hand, making him look at you. "Why did he eliminate you?"

"He told all of us we needed to perform better, but I think my main problem is my Korean."

"Okay, then we'll study together. Easy peasy."

"This sucks. I never would have thought I'd get eliminated."

"Me either. You're so talented, I don't see why he did it."

After several minutes of comfortable, yet sad, silence, you finished your food and rinsed your dishes off.

Felix went and slumped on the couch, so you went to your room and quickly slipped on your glasses and grabbed a couple of your Korean language books, then you sat on the couch next to him.

"Why do you have these?" He asked.

"I wasn't fluent when I moved here, Lix."

So for the next three hours, you were non-stop in your studies.

"Baby, I'm tired." Felix whined.

"Okay, we can stop. That cute little head of yours needs rest anyways."

You ruffled his hair and got up, but you were pulled back into Felix's lap.

"I feel like I haven't cuddled with you in so long." He whispered.

You smiled. "Because you always got home super later."

"An upside of this whole elimination thing," he paused. "I'll get to cuddle you more."

He kissed your cheek, then your nose, then your forehead, finishing with a tender and loving kiss on the lips. When he pulled away, you laid your head in his lap and he played with your hair.

"I got a new visit yesterday, a little girl." You told him.

"Really? Tell me about her."

"Her name is Sujin and she's twelve. She has an eating disorder and anxiety. So yesterday I took her to a ramen restaurant and when she wouldn't eat, I told her when I had an eating disorder, and she finally ate after I asked if she liked seeing her ribs."

"I remember when you told me that's why you started eating again." Felix said.

"Exactly, and you know what she told me in my car?"


"She told me that she believed she could do better, since I did, and that she wanted to look as great as me." You chuckled.

"That's adorable." Felix smiled. "She sounds sweet."

"She is, but I haven't touched base on her anxiety yet, and as we walked to the restaurant, she would squeeze my hand tighter every time someone got close to her." You paused and looked at Felix. "So, I want to introduce you to her, show her that not everyone is a bad guy."

"I'd love to." He said. "Can I ask what caused her anxiety?"

"Abuse by biological parents."

"Poor girl. Have you told her your abduction story yet?"

"Not yet, but I will when it comes to it."

He nodded, and it went quiet, and you almost fell asleep due to Felix's fingers running through your hair.

"Baby." He said softly. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick."

"Okay." You replied, getting up.

He left you with a kiss on the cheek and disappeared into the bathroom. You got up and went to your computer in the kitchen, starting to file some cases.

You were watching a K-drama when your phone started ringing, and when you saw it was Chan, You picked up quickly.

"Shouldn't you be asleep, Chan?" You joked.

"I just wanted to check on Felix. How is he?"

"Sleeping like a baby right now. We studied Korean for three hours straight, and he rehearsed his parts of your guys' songs in the shower. Oh, and I walked in on him practicing the dance for 'Hellevator.'" You told him.

"Did he stop dancing when you walked in? He would usually stop if one of us walked into the practice room while he was practicing." Chan lightly chuckled.

"He was so focused, he didn't even hear me come in. I left once I saw what he was doing though, I didn't want to distract him."

"I just- I don't understand why him and Minho would get eliminated. It's not the same without them." He paused. "We couldn't even practice correctly today."

"And JYP is gonna see that and realize what he's done." You said, listening to Chan yawn on the other end. "Chan, you seriously need to go to bed, it's almost midnight."

"Fine, fine, but you need to go to bed too."

"Okay, I will."

"Keep me updated on Felix please, Y/N."

"Of course, Chan. Good night."

"Good night."



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