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You sat up, waving your hands in the air for a second.

"Y/N?" Felix's voice sounded next to you, making you freeze.

"Oh, Felix. A pleasure to see you- hear you, here." You stuttered, not even looking at him.

"I live here?" He stated, clearly confused.

"You sure do." You laughed. "I'm just gonna, go downstairs really quick."

You hopped out of his bed, but you tripped on something on your way to the door, and luckily you caught your balance before you fell. You basically ran down the stairs as you swallowed your nerves, and you went to the kitchen.

You made a glass of water and rested your back against the counter, taking a sip of water.


You looked up and literally spit your water out as you turned away from Felix.

"You are shirtless." You started rambling. "That's not something I noticed when I woke up."

You heard his foot steps against the floor, and then his hand was on your forehead. "You're not running a fever."

You started fanning yourself. "No, but it is really hot in here."

"What's up, princess?" He said, turning you around and trapping you between his body and the counter, his arms on either side of you.

"I- nothing, nothing's wrong, Felix." You gulped, glancing down at his chest and forcing yourself to meet his eyes.

"You woke up really flustered. Did you have a weird dream?"

"What?" You laughed. "No."

"You're not good at lying." He whispered, then he got right next to your ear. "Tell me why you're acting like this, princess."

Your breath caught as his hands made their way to your waist, and he brought your chests together as he made eye contact with you again.

"I had a dream."

He tilted his head. "What kind of dream?"

"A dream where you and I were," you paused as your cheeks reddened. "In the shower."

"You had a wet dream?"

You hesitantly nodded and he laughed. "You're so sweet and innocent."

"And you're not?" You questioned.

"Oh, I am, but I've had a couple dreams like that about you."

Your jaw dropped slightly, so he put his finger under your chin and closed it for you.

"Felix, author-nim is trying to keep this book sexy scene free, and you're making it really hard for her."

"Oh, right, I forgot about that." He sighed. "How about we go to the park?"

You and Felix swung your arms back and forth as you walked through the park, smiling at the people who walked by.

"Do you remember the first day we met?" He asked.

"Every detail. I'm really glad Mrs. Cho had you sit by me."

"Me, too. I made an amazing friend, and now I have an amazing girlfriend." He smiled, kissing your forehead.

"What were you like as a kid, Felix?"

"Rambunctious, caring, shy depending on who I was around, though I always participated in the talent show. I have a best friend back in Australia, his name is Chan, but we called him Chris. He was always the cause of my craziness." He smiled at the mention of his best friend.

"I bet you miss him." You started. "You said Chan, though you called him Chris. Do you have a Korean name as well?"

"Yongbok. I don't really like it though."

"So, if I started calling you Yongbok?" You chuckled.

Felix looked at you then looked away, pretending to look for something.

"Who's that?" He asked, making you laugh. "What about you, what were you like as a child?"

"Same as you, really. Although I lost contact with most of my friends from H/C, but I didn't really mind, they were kind of rude and I didn't notice it until I moved away, but I do have a best friend that I still keep in touch with. Her name is Nari."

"Maybe one day, you'll get to meet Chan, and I'll get to meet Nari." He smiled.

You smiled back. "Hopefully."



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Love For Two; Lee Felix. ✔Where stories live. Discover now