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You sat on your bed the next day, hugging your plushie, that Felix got you. Thoughts kept running through your head, ones that scared you.

What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm ugly? What if they think I'm too skinny? What if they see the scar on my wrist? What if they don't want me being around Felix because they think I'm weird? What if-

"Y/N~" Your mom sang.


"You're not getting ready?" She stopped in her tracks.

"No, it will only take me about ten minutes."

"Y/N, honey." She took a breath. "You're meeting his parents, you have to look nice."

"He told me not to dress up, he said I looked great in my normal clothes."

"All you wear is black~" She whined. "They're going to think you're some serial killer or something."

"Eomma, I want them to see me in my normal, every day state. No makeup, and my usual clothes, and you won't talk me out of it."

"Fine, you little-" She grumbled and closed your door.

Did she not think I was good enough as myself?

You sighed and got up, going to the bathroom. You quickly washed your face and brushed your teeth, then you went to put your outfit on. You slipped on your black sweater and jeans, along with your favorite shoes. You grabbed your things and went downstairs.

"I'm leaving!" You called.

"Make a good impression!" Your mom squealed.

"Hey!" Your dad started. "She doesn't even have to try to make a good impression."

You laughed and left, getting in your car, mumbling to yourself. "It's going to be fine, Y/N."

You gently knocked on the door and heard a lot of rustling. An older woman quickly opened the door, a wide grin on her face.

"Hi ! You must be Y/N." She beamed.

"Yes ma'am, and you must be Mrs. Lee."

She nodded and let you in, and Felix was face palming at his mother's excited behavior. She led you to the kitchen, where an older man was setting the table.

You and Felix sat down, and you glanced at him.

"I'm so sorry." He mouthed, making you laugh.

"Y/N, Felix said you were very beautiful, but I didn't expect you to be so stunning~" His mom cooed.

You glanced at Felix and his cheeks were bright pink.

You smiled. "Thank you so much."

"I thought her and Felix were going to fight to see who would open the door." Mr. Lee chuckled.

You laughed. "That's how my mom and I were when my parents met him."

Mr. Lee put the food on the table and everyone began eating.

"So tell us some things about yourself." Mr. Lee said.

You told them pretty much the same thing that you told Felix the first day you met him.

"Felix told us that you were a very kind hearted person." Mrs. Lee chimed.

You looked over at Felix again and he paused, then he smiled that big smile that always made you smile.

"Thank you for being so nice to our boy on his first day. He was really worried about the transition from Australia to Korea."

"It was my pleasure. I love being around Felix."

Soon, you all finished your dinner and moved to the living room, where you watched a movie. You and Felix sat together, your head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for coming." He whispered.

"I would do anything for you, Felix."



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Love For Two; Lee Felix. ✔Where stories live. Discover now