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You woke up the next morning and skipped into your bathroom. You turned the hot water on and stripped, looking at yourself in the mirror. You hated it, you really hated it.

You sighed and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water try and wash your flaws away, but it never worked. You tried several times before, even though you knew that wasn't how it worked.

When you finished, you got out and avoided the mirror, going straight into your bedroom again and to the closet. You picked out some black leggings and an oversized black hoodie, topping it off with your favorite pair of shoes.

You grabbed your things and went downstairs, where your mom and dad sat at the table.

"Good morning, my beautiful daughter." Your mom beamed.

Did she mean it?

"Good morning, Mom."

You sat down at the table and put food on your plate, eating it well.

Felix walked into first period and smiled at the sight of you. He took his seat and you turned to him, smiling.

"Good morning, Felix."

"Good morning, Y/N."

You turned away and Felix noticed how cute you looked in big hoodies.

"Are you free today, Y/N?" Felix asked.

You turned to him and pursed your lips, thinking. "Yeah, why?"

"Do you wanna go to the mall?"

You smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "Definitely, but I have to stop by my house after school."

"That's okay, I'll come pick you up at four, if that's okay."

"That's perfect."

Before lunch, Felix said he had to grab something before he went to the cafeteria, but five minutes passed after the lunch bell rang, and he still wasn't there.

You left the cafeteria and started looking for him, out of pure worry, and after a couple meanders down a few hallways, You found him and Dae.

"Give me my phone." Felix said, his deep voice prominent.

Dae lifted Felix's phone higher. "Your voice doesn't scare me, shorty."

You walked up to them and stood next to Felix, and before he even had a chance to look at you, you wrapped your arms around his torso and rested your head on his shoulder.

"He's not short, his height is great for hugs." You stated, feeling Felix's arm wrap around your shoulder.

"Why do you always have to show up. I'm just trying to have fun." Dae spat.

You sighed and stuck your hand out, and Dae begrudgingly handed you Felix's phone.

You crossed your arms. "Go to class or you're getting detention."

Dae gasped and ran off, and you let go of Felix.

"Thank you." He smiled. "Are you actually capable of giving him detention?"

You shrugged. "No, but the threat scares him since he's on the basketball team. It's really funny."

Felix smiled and looked from you to in front of him. "You're so cute." He mumbled.

You felt your cheeks get hot, and you couldn't hold back the smile playing at your lips.

"But you're cuter."

"A boy is picking you up?" Your dad questioned.

You nodded. "Yeah, the same boy I had dinner with last night."

"And why did you need to come home again?" Your mom asked.

You held out your wallet. "I needed to grab some money."

Then the doorbell rang, and your mom got up and nearly pushed you over to get to the door, opening it.

"Hello, I'm Felix." Felix introduces himself. "I'm here to pick Y/N up."

"Indeed you are, Felix, my boy. Let's go."

You tried to walk out of the door, but your mom pulled you back.

She smiled. "It's so nice to meet you, Felix. I'm Y/N's mother, and this is her father."

"It's very nice to meet you both." He said, politely bowing his head.

You looked back at your mom, and she smiled at you. "Alright. Have fun, guys."

"Look how cute, Felix!" You exclaimed, pointing at the cute plushie in front of you.

"It is cute." He replied as you smiled and headed for the exit of the store. "You're not gonna get it?"

"No, I don't want to spend that much money on myself."

He caught up to you and you headed to another store. You and Felix walked around, and you heard him gasp from across the other side of the store. You found him, concerned as to why he made that noise, but he was just looking at a hoodie.

He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

He walked to a different part of the store, so while he wasn't looking, you got the hoodie and paid for it. Eventually he came back and gently pulled you out of the store, towards the food court.

"I need to use the restroom." He said.

"Okay, I'll wait right here."

After a few minutes he came back, and you headed out, you laughing as you walked. "We barely even bought anything."

"That's okay." He paused and looked at you. "I like spending time with you."

You looked over at him, his cheeks big from the smile he was wearing. "I like spending time with you, too."

He pulled into your driveway, and your heart jumped a little bit. You looked at him and reached for the floorboard, grabbing the bag with his hoodie in it, and you noticed he grabbed something too.

You held your arms out at the same time, both of you holding a bag. You narrowed your eyes at him playfully, and you took the bags from each other, peeking inside.

"Holy moly, you got me that plushie!" You beamed.

"You got me that hoodie?!"

You looked at each other and attacked one another with hugs.

"Thank you, Felix!" You said, opening the door.

"Thank you, Y/N." He replied, his eyes sparkling in the light from his car.

You shut the door and waved at him, getting one back in return. You watched him leave, holding the bag close to your chest.



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