twenty four.

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The next day, you and Felix were getting ready for school, when he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into him.

"You're probably going to get a lot of attention, but I'll be right there with you, okay?" He whispered.

"I know." You said, smiling as you turned in his arms. "Yesterday was really fun, and that ice cream shop we went to was really cute, so was the little boutique."

"Are you trying to tell me you want to go out more often?" He grinned.

"Maybe. I mean, not that I'm terrified to go out in the world now, but there are moments where I get scared. So, going out more often will be a good way to get passed the trauma. Plus, I love spending time with you." You kissed his nose and pulled out of his grip.

"What about Chan and Nari?" He chuckled.

You nodded. "I love spending time with them too."

You grabbed some clothes out of your closet to change into. A striped, ruffled collar long sleeve shirt and a cute black skirt, then you topped it off with your knee high black boots.

"A bit daring, but adorable." Felix started as he walked into the bathroom.

"Like I said, I need to pass this trauma. Showing that I'm still capable of being strong is a good start."

"You know, a month or so ago, I would be comforting you because something happened. Not that I had a problem with doing so, but look how far you've come in your self love journey."

You smiled and kissed his nose. "You've been a big help."

People looked at you sympathetically, like you were some fine china that would shatter if you were touched even in the slightest way. You felt Felix's grip tighten, and you looked at him, smiling.

"I think I'm more anxious than you." He whispered.

"I can tell."

As you were about to walk into the classroom, Jae stopped you.

"Y/N, what happened?" He asked worriedly, hugging you tightly.

"I got abducted by aliens."

"No, Y/N." He pouted. "Seriously."

"I was abducted."

"How are you not sad?"

"I'm a bit shaken up, but I have to stay strong."

Jae smiled up at you and gave you a little squeeze of reassurance.

"Good for you, Y/N. I've never seen you so strong."

You smiled at him and ruffled his hair, then you and Felix continued your journey into the classroom.

"Y/N, can I see you for a moment?" Mrs. Lao asked.

The bell had rung, and everyone filed out to go home. You walked up to her desk, and she pulled out an envelope from one of her drawers and handed it to you.

"What's this?" You asked.

"A career offer." She smiled.


"A very big agency contacted the school, talking about you. It's an organization that has you visit kids individually. These kids have trouble with anxiety, depression, self love, and so many other things. You take them out on little play dates, as if they were your little brother or sister, and you help them with their struggles, make them stronger. Personally, I think you should take it, because you are an amazing role model."

You were speechless, completely shocked but extremely happy.

"I mean- yes of course, but why me?" You asked.

"Because, people talk about how amazing you are and how much you've helped others by being so caring. Word gets around Y/N. The teachers, counselors, vice principal, principal, and the higher ups have all heard about it." She paused smiling. "That boy Jae, that boy looks up to you dearly."

You smiled, thanking her and leaving the class.

"Did you get in trouble?" Felix joked.

"Actually, quite the opposite."

He looked at you, confused, so you handed him the letter. Once he was done reading, he was just as shocked and happy as you were.

"This is amazing! Are you gonna take it?!" He jumped excitedly.

"I want to, yes." You chuckled.

"I'm so happy for you." He said, kissing your cheek. "I have good news too, but I'll tell you at home."

You got up to your room and Felix joined you on your bed, pulling something out of his jacket. He handed it to you and you read it, proud and happy.

"You're gonna be an idol, Lix!" You cheered.

"I know! And guess who else will be there with me?"



"Oh, my gosh! That's so great!"

You tackled him, pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek.

"Doesn't it take a long time to become an idol?" You asked.

"Yeah, but Chan, myself and the other members have talked with JYP and manager-nim, and we've been talking about it and training a bit."

"Oh okay." You smiled. "Do you know the other members yet?"

"Not yet."

Both of you laid down and Felix draped an arm over your waist, your hand laying on his chest.

"Idols aren't supposed to be in relationships." You whispered.

"I will get on my knees and beg that man to let me be with you."

You chuckled at his response and snuggled into him.

"This is gonna be a fun journey for us, Lix."

"And we'll be together through it all, princess."


a/n: I know becoming an idol doesn't work this way, but it's just for the story:)

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a/n: I know becoming an idol doesn't work this way, but it's just for the story:)

Love For Two; Lee Felix. ✔Where stories live. Discover now