Arthur Shelby. Where to start with him. Growing up with the Shelby boys, you were always closest with Arthur, even though you were the same age as John.
You were close with all the Shelby boys and you had adopted Finn as your own little brother. But there was something about Arthur. The two of you just clicked. Everyone could see it.
As you got older you were still pretty close with the boys and you got even more beautiful which meant Arthur would get more and more jealous every time a guy came up to you and started flirting with you.
Arthur had made it his personal job to make sure you didn't date any assholes. Or anyone for that matter. You see, growing up, Arthur had fallen in love with you. He loved the way your eyes lit up and sparkled every time you got excited. He loved the way your hair effortlessly curled around your shoulders. Messy or not, you were still the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
"Smitten he is" Polly had said to you one day after you had told her that Arthur, once again crashed one of your dates. You laughed lightly at her comment and shook it off. Polly smiled at you as she watched you battle with yourself. Still trying to deny it. "That boy loves you, Y/N. He doesn't want to say it but he does and everyone with eyes can see" but 16 year old you just brushed it off and tried to deny everything.
Now at 19 years old, you could see what everyone had been telling you. Arthur loved you, and you loved him. You didn't know why it had taken you so long to realise it but you were glad you had. You had to talk to Arthur.
Walking down Watery lane to where the Shelby's lived, you planned out what you were going to say to Arthur when you saw him but your mind was blank.
Realising you had finally reached the Shelby's you knocked and waited for someone to answer,Rocking on your heels as you did so. Not a minute later did John answer the door. A lopsided smile etching his features as he saw you waiting with a small smile on your face.
"Alright Y/N? The boys 'av been missin' ya to pieces. Especially little Finn" he lazily took out the toothpick that was hanging out of his mouth and fiddled with it. "Hey John boy, I've been missin' you lot as well. I'll stop by to see you all later but...have you seen Arthur?"
John looked at you with a smirk on his face and laughed as soon as he saw you blush. "Check the Garrison" you hugged him and gave him a small thanks and made your way to the Garrison.
The smoke was especially thick today and it made it hard to see anything. Which is why you bumped into an unknown figure and fell backwards into mud. You huffed as you stood up, brushing off most of the mud. "Sorry darlin" you recognised that voice anywhere.
"Arthur?" You questioned making sure it was actually him you were speaking too and not some random stranger you were gonna confess your feelings too. "Y/N, I'm sorry love. Are you okay?" a look of concern etched his features as he realised it was you he knocked over.
Arthur stepped out of the dusty smoke and pulled you to where he could see you. Checking to make sure you weren't injured before embracing you tightly. You melted into his hug and let his scent fill your nose. His hugs were the best. You pulled away and looked at him for a few seconds before looking at the ground. Your feet suddenly became very interesting to you at that point in time.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" You refused to look at him until he lifted your chin to look at him. Without thinking you blurted out "IMINLOVEWITHYOUARTHURSHELBY" he stared at you for a few minutes, trying to work out if what you said is what he heard. Coming to the conclusion that it was, he lifted your head, which had gone back to your shoes, his eyes staring into yours before kissing your lips sweetly. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear that" he let out a low chuckle and rested his head on yours.
~~~ You and Arthur has been together for a few months and everything was perfect until word got round about the war. Arthur and his brothers signed up to fight, no matter how much you begged and pleaded them not too.
It was time for them to get on the train and leave. Holding Finn in your arms, you said goodbye to the 3 brothers and let a tear slip down your cheek. Arthur noticed it and wiped it away, letting his thumb linger on your cheek. "I promise I'll be back soon" he kissed your forehead and engulfed you and Finn in one last hug, the other 2 brothers clambering to get one last hug as well.
You watched the boys walk away as Finn cried for his older brothers to come back. You hugged him and he buried his head into your neck. Light sniffles could be heard coming from the little boy. You kissed the top of his head and sighed as you looked up at Polly and Ada. Both of them with tear stained faces.
4 years. It had been 4 long years. No letters from Arthur. No matter how many you wrote him you got nothing back.
Today was the day that the boys were supposed to be coming home. You, Polly and Ada rushed to the train station with a ten year old Finn running quickly behind.
You were amongst the hundreds of people waiting for their fathers,sons, husbands and brothers to return home. There were so many people but as soon as he got off the train, Arthur spotted you. He pushed past the many families reuniting to get to you as quick as he could.
You squealed as he ran to you. You jumped into his arms and spun you around laughing as he did so. He hugged you as if it would be the last hug he would ever get. Overwhelmed with emotion you let a few tears slip as Arthur rested his head against yours. A few more tears slipped. But not yours. This time, they were Arthur's. "Y/N, the things that I saw out there....they were horrible. I saw so many people die. Innocent people Y/N"
Your heart broke at the sight of him. You wiped away his tears and kissed him sweetly. "You're home now Arthur, and I'm going to help you with whatever you need" Arthur smiled at you and studied your face. "You waited for me" he whispered to you as you hugged him. "I waited for ya"
The hug was soon broken by the sound of John shouting. "Alright cmon love birds lets go and fucking celebrate!" You laughed at your friend's eagerness to get drunk. Arthur laughed along with Polly and Ada while Tommy just let a small smile creep into his lips.
The war had affected all of the boys. Little did you know that it had affected your Arthur the most.
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So that was my first peaky blinders imagines I really hoped you liked it. Please comment and tell me what you think, I would really appreciate it! ❤️