Arthur Shelby - I Dont Know You Anymore

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It has been a few years since John had died and Arthur had taken it badly. He'd go out all day and all night getting drunk and when he wasn't doing that he'd be out with Tommy doing god knows what.

You were currently sat at home with your 3 year old daughter Mia and Arthur hadn't been home in nearly 3 days. You had spoken to Arthur about this before but he didn't seem to care anymore.

You put Mia to bed after reading her a bedtime story and reassuring her that her daddy would be home soon.

You sighed as you sat back in your chair, listening to the clock tick by, slowly driving you insane. You were sick of waiting and decided to just go to bed when the door slammed open and in stumbled a drunk Arthur Shelby.

"And where the fuck have you been?!" You whisper shouted at him so you didn't wake your sleeping daughter. Arthur just waved you off and grunted, trying his best to "walk" towards the bedroom. You growled at him quietly and walked towards him. Spinning him around to face you "I said, where the fuck have you been?!"

Arthur grabbed your arm tightly and pushed you backwards with full force "I know what you fucking said but who the fuck do you think you're talking too?"

You scoffed and laughed bitterly at the man you previously loved. "You have a 3 year old daughter in that room! A 3 year old daughter that wakes up every night asking for her daddy. But he's not here because he's too busy out getting fucking drunk!"

Arthur stumbles towards you but you pushed him away. "Stop being a selfish bastard Arthur Shelby" Arthur stares at you for a minute before finally speaking. "You callin someone a selfish bastard?"

You rolled your eyes and proceeded to walk towards your daughters bedroom, intending on sleeping in her room for the night. "I don't know you anymore Arthur but I swear to god if you don't change your fucking ways you will never see me or that girl in there again"

You left Arthur to his own mind, those words sobering him up and he started to sob. He lost his brother and he didn't want to lose his wife and daughter as well.

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