"So how's you and the little lady eh Finn?" Arthur questioned the youngest Shelby. Finn smiled at the mention of you,his smile soon faltered when he had remembered what you had asked him. "What's wrong with your face now?" He asked again. Finn looked between his 2 older brothers and sighed. "She wants me to meet her parents" John looked at him and a smirk appeared across his face "you mean the same parents that hate us? That call us the no good Shelby brothers?" Finn nodded while John just laughed at his brother's expression. Arthur patted him on the back as he stood up to leave the bar, ready to make his way to your house.
You stood outside your parents house,anxiously waiting for Finn. You didn't know if he was going to turn up or not. He had promised you he would but you knew that he didn't like your parents and the feeling for them was mutual. You turned to head back inside, making up your mind that he wasn't going to show, when a familiar shout was heard from down the street.
"Y/N! Wait up!" He jogged down the street and stopped in front of you. As soon as you had seen his face, you had calmed a lot and you let a small smile make an appearance.
"I'm so sorry I was late, John and Arthur kept me" you grabbed his hand and started to pull him towards the house "at least you're here now"
You walked into the kitchen where your parents were sat, Finns grip tightened around your hand, getting nervous. You squeezed it for reassurance and proceeded to speak to your parents.
"Mum,dad.... this is my boyfriend...Finn" you cuddled into his side as he removed his hand from yours and wrapped his arm around your waist instead.
Your mum stood up and walked towards you both "get him out of my house, I ain't having no peaky boy - let alone a Shelby brother in my house!" You stepped in front of Finn, shielding him from your mother. "Why does it matter that he's a shelby?" You bit back at her, your dad scoffed and joined your mum "do you have any idea what those Shelby boys do Y/N?!" He raised his voice at you causing Finn to tense up.
"Of course I know what they do, I'm always with them. You know why? Because they treat me more like their family than you do! And anyway Finn is nothing like his brothers, all I asked is for you to meet him and give him a chance" you looked at your parents angered faces and left the house, slamming the door behind you.
Finn still stood in front of your parents, confidence growing in him by the second. "I may be a shelby and I may be a peaky boy but I am nothing like my brothers.... nothin. I love Y/N and I would rather die than put her in danger. Not that you care if she gets hurt or not anyway" Finn walked away from them,leaving them stunned.
Outside,you were stood against the wall, embarrassed about what had just taken place inside the house. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes,sighing deeply. "Y/N?" You opened your eyes to see Finn stood in front of you, a look of concern on his face. You sighed and pushed off against the wall,leaving a small space in between you both. You rested your head against his chest "I'm sorry Finn, I didn't think they would be like that once they met you" finn chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. His head rested on top of yours.
"I love you Finn Shelby" he smiled at the small girl cuddled into him "I love you so much more"
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