Let's start off with a few random facts✌🏼 1. I'm 16 but I turn 17 on the 28th of June . 2. I love supernatural and Misha Collins just a little bit too much. 3. I have 4 little sisters and 1 older brother. 4. I love animals,especially dogs.
Q - Do you have any other pets? A - I do have other pets. I have 2 kittens,a hamster and a rabbit. I used to have a pitbull but she passed away a few months ago.
Q - Who's your favourite character in PB? A - John. The love I have for John Shelby is crazy. I legit cried when he died. Finn is probably my second favourite and he deserves to be happy in the next season.
Q - What's your favourite colour? A - My favourite colour is blue but like an ocean blue. The colour of Misha Collins' eyes basically.
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Q - What's your favourite movie? A - LEGEND! Legend is definitely my favourite film. I kind of have an obsession with the Kray twins,I've got loads of books about them and I've watched all the films and documentaries😂
Q - Do you like Marvel? And if you do what is your favourite movie and character? A - I love Marvel! My favourite movie is Iron Man 3 and my favourite character is Tony Stark/Iron Man. I've always loved Iron Man since I was little but Bucky Barnes has a special place in my heart.
Q - What's your favourite season and why? A - Ooh this is kind of a tricky one for me to answer. I love all the seasons but maybe 3 or 4. In season 3 I liked Michael's "glow up" and the storyline and the same with season 4,I loved the mafia story line but I hated that they killed John 😩
Q - Favourite singer/band? A - Well I love listening to all kinds of music really but I really love Dean Lewis and Alec Bailey,I could listen to their voices all day. As for the bands, I love Tøp, P!atd, Fob, sleeping at last and loads of others. I can't choose just one.
Q - If you could choose one of the PB characters to marry,who would it be? A - JOHN!!! When he is alive though obviously 😂
Q - What was it like for you growing up? A - For me,growing up was difficult. I had to mature really quickly so I couldn't exactly be a kid,me and my brother had it rough because of my stepdad and we both had to mature early and because of that we both sometimes act really childish because we weren't able to then but my mum has done everything that she possibly can for us.
Q - What other shows do you like? A - I love supernatural,like a lot. I've been watching that show ever since I was 5 years old. I grew up with the characters and the show and I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried when I found out that it's ending next year. I also like Ackley Bridge and I used to love Dr Who.
Ok guys so that's the end of this,I hope you enjoyed this and let me know if there is anything else that you want me to answer. If you have any more questions then leave them in the comments and I'll answer them there! ILY ALL ❤️🙏🏼