You and Tommy Shelby were a thing long before the war even started. The blue eyed boy fell hard for you and did everything he could to make you his and after a few unsuccessful tries he finally made you his.
You and Tommy were partners in crime, the perfect two. You did everything together. Well, you did up until the war broke out.
4 years. 4 long,devastating, wretched years. Your heart ached for the man you loved and adored. Receiving his letters only made you worse. You often spent your nights crying to Polly or drinking yourself to sleep. The day that the boys returned was one of the best and worst days of your life.
Your boys were finally home but it was also the day that you slowly started to lose your Tommy.
Broken was an understatement in describing Tommy. The war left him as a shell of his former self, it was like he wasn't even there. He didn't laugh, he didn't smile, he didn't hug you or kiss you and he never said he loved you anymore. Of course you were patient with him and helped him in every way you could but he ended it after you caught him with Lizzie Stark; for the 5th time in 2 weeks.
Your heart ached for your lost love but you knew he wasn't your Tommy anymore. France did something terrible to him.
Everywhere you went you could hear people whispering about what you two were, a sharp pain stabbed at your heart every time you heard them. Your bestfriend Arthur always told you to ignore them and that his little brother had no clue what he was missing. It always put a small smile on your face, but only for a few seconds before it washed away with thoughts of Tommy.
You didn't speak to Tommy anymore and whenever you saw him you both avoided eye contact. You didn't know if it was because he still had feelings for you and felt guilty or just because it was awkward. Oh how you wished it was the first one.
2 years after you and Tommy had split, people were no longer whispering about your relationship. Instead they were whispering about the good Irish girl,Grace,who Tommy was smitten with. You couldn't lie and say it didn't hurt you because it hurt you deep.
"Oh c'mon Y/N, I'm sick of watching you moping around after Thomas. It's been two years! I get you loved him but it's time to move on. Just come for a drink with us. Please?"You watched as Arthur pleaded with you, you had already told him no but these Shelby boys were persistent and very stubborn. Eventually, you gave into his pleading and agreed to go out with him and the boys.
After an hour of getting yourself ready and Arthur finishing off a bottle of whiskey, you finally retreated down the stairs and to be honest, you looked gorgeous.
Within the hour of you getting ready, you didn't know that John, Michael, Finn and Isaiah had turned up and as you walked down the stairs you were met with a bunch of wolf whistles. You smiled down at the ground and hid your blush,telling the boys to shut up.
"Damn Y/N, you look gorgeous. Tommy won't be able to keep his eyes off of you" John stated and flung his arm around your shoulders, guiding you out of the house and towards the garrison. The other boys were chasing each other and yelling the whole way there but John decided he'd walk with you and keep you company.
You had been at the garrison for almost an hour and John was right, Tommy couldn't keep his eyes off you, except when he was dancing with Grace. You couldn't help but watch. The way she moved was elegant and amazing,her blonde hair flowing behind her, her feet perfectly in sync with Tommy's and her eyes never leaving his. You heart ached at the smile he gave her, that smile that was once for you. She was gorgeous and everybody knew it.You were sat at the bar with John,he was telling you jokes and whispering in your ear causing you to giggle. His arm was wrapped around your waist and your head was on his shoulder. You always thought John was cute but you never really looked at him in any other way apart from Tommy's little brother.

Peaky Blinders Imagines
Fanfiction*UNDER EDITING* Imagines for your favourite Shelby family (and Alfie!)