Q: Have you ever been to a concert?
A: Nope,never been to one but I really want too so maybe one day.Q: How was 2018 for you?
A: 2018 was a pretty shitty year for me if I'm being honest. A lot of bad stuff happened but it can only get better from there so hopefully I'll have a better year this year!Q: What do you think about Rhianna?
A: I don't really have an opinion,I like a few of her songs but that's about it.Q: Do you have any advice to become more social?
A: My advice is to ask somebody else because I'm the least social person ever😂 I'm trying to change that though. What I'm doing is trying to message a few more people to see who I get along with or have a connection with and try to talk to them as much as possible without seeming clingy😂 That is literally the worst advice ever!😂Q: What tv shows are you watching?
A: So,I have just finished watching every season of gossip girl which I loved and it was even better because Sebastian Stan was it😍 I'm currently waiting for season 15 of supernatural to come out but I'm looking for new things to watch so if anyone has any ideas then please comment below!Q: If you could have dinner with one person,dead or alive,who would it be?
A: Ooh that is a good question. I'd have to say Stan Lee because that man is a genius and is the reason that I fell in love with superheroes at a young age.Q: What annoys you the most?
A: I have a few things that annoy me but here are a few. I hate it when people "joke" about my family. I say "joke" because they say something horrible but disguise it as a joke and it seriously pisses me off. Another thing is when somebody tries to tell you that your opinion is wrong. Your opinion means YOUR OWN opinion. And the biggest thing that annoys me is my brother constantly finding the food that I've hidden and eating it.Q: What is the worst pickup line you have ever heard?
A: oh my god,there are literally so many to choose from but I think the worst one I've heard so far is "is your mum a vending machine? Because you're a snack" somebody has actually said that to me and I cringed so hard 😂Q: How are you doing today?
A: At this very minute in time,I'm doing good. I'm tired but I'm doing better than I have been doing.~~~~~~~~
I hope you enjoyed reading these! I love answering your questions so please ask more and don't be afraid to ask something if you feel it's too personal! ❤️

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