John Shelby - Say Yes

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It was a normal Wednesday afternoon and you were working your shift in the Garrison,it wasn't very busy so currently you were cleaning all the tables.

"Those Shelby's ain't been in today, you seen 'em Y/N" you turned to look at Harry and shook your head. "John said that he and the boys would be really busy today" he nodded back to you and hurried to serve more people their drinks.

"How long have you and John been together Y/N?" An Irish voice spoke from beside you. You smiled at Grace "Almost 3 years" she smiled at you, taking a seat at one of the tables "How did he ask you out?" She looked at you eagerly and you sat in the seat beside her.

"Well it was the night after we fell out, we had an argument over something stupid and he came to my house to apologise and asked if he could come in for a drink and I said no cus I was still pissed at 'im" Grace let out a soft laugh and urged you to carry on "and because I said no he said "well at least be my girlfriend" and at first I thought he was joking" Grace laughed at a smile settles on her face when she noticed the look on your face. "You really love him huh?"

"Yeah I really do"

John was the love of your life, you adored the man and he worshipped the ground you walked on. Everybody could tell when you were thinking of John because you always had a smile on your face or you were in a particular good mood.

Just as you stood up to get back to work, Finn and Isiah burst through the doors, frantically searching the place for you. "Y/N! John needs you" Finn ran over to you to pull you out of the door and both boys took off running down the street.

You followed after them as fast as you could, after a few minutes you were at Charlie's yard and both boys had disappeared but John had appeared in front of you.

As soon as he saw you a smile spread across his face and you returned the gesture, he walked over to you and pulled you over to the bench, sitting you down he stepped back so he could see you.

"Y/N, you know since Martha died things haven't been easy for me or the kids but we have had you there with us through it all. You urged me to be a better dad to the kids and to be a better man. My life has been so much better with you in it" you stared at John, your eyes never leaving his as he stepped a bit closer to you.

"I couldn't imagine being with someone else other than you so, Y/N Rose Smith" your hands flew to your mouth as John got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

"Will you marry me?"

Tears filled your eyes and you stood up staring down at the man you love, not saying a word. John stood up and was a few inches away from you. "Say yes, please Y/N" You nodded furiously at him as he pulled you in for a kiss.

He stepped back and placed the ring on your finger "Future Mrs Shelby aye?" You laughed as he pulled you in for a tight hug. You stared down at the ring on your finger,not being able to believe what just happened.

"SHE SAID YES" John screamed and all of a sudden every single Shelby and every peaky boy came running around the corner screaming and shouting their congratulations. Tommy and Arthur walking behind the pack with huge grins on their faces. John walked towards his brothers, arms outstretched and a cocky grin on his face "told you she'd say yes"

Arthur and tommy congratulated their brother and all 3 of them watched as everyone gathered around you to look at the ring and congratulate you.  John was just happy he could spend the rest of his life with you.

~~~Finally done a happy one, I hope you guys like it!

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Finally done a happy one, I hope you guys like it!

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