Tommy Shelby -Mardy bum

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It was very rare for Tommy to show you affection in public. He would hold your hand or have his arm around your waist to let people know you were his but that was it. He very rarely kissed you in public or hugged you - hell he rarely even smiled around you. He had to keep up the big tough guy act but you knew a different side to Tommy.

You were sat in Tommy's office in the betting den waiting for Tommy to come find you. All you could hear was John shouting random names and numbers and a small smile drifted onto your voice at the sound of the young Shelby.

Tommy soon strolled in and a small glitter of a smile appeared in his eyes at the sight of you. "You nearly finished Tom?" He sat down at his desk and you pulled your chair closer to his, resting your head on his shoulder. "Almost done Y/N, you could've gone 'ome though" you hummed at him in response.

Out of the blue you started to giggle to yourself and after a few seconds that giggling turned into full on laughing with tears streaming from your eyes. Tommy looked at you with a puzzled look on his face which only caused you to laugh more.

After about 5 minutes you had finally calmed down and Tommy decided to speak " wanna tell me what that was all about?" He tried to sound stern but he had let a smile appear.

You breathed deeply and tried to get your words out " remember the other day when I chucked water over you to get you up? A..and you chased me into the kitchen and then slipped on the water?" You weren't able to finish the story as you erupted into more laughter. Tommy rolled his eyes at you playfully and pushed your chair away from him.

"It wasn't funny, it hurt...a lot actually" he fake pouted and you grinned at him as you pulled your chair closer to him again "it didn't hurt you were just being a Mardy bum" he raised his eyebrows at the choice of your words and just laughed.

You sighed and put your head back on his shoulder "I miss those mornings Tom" he gave you a side glance "So do I Y/N, I promise I'll start to have more time off"

Your head shot up off of his shoulder and you frantically searched his face for any hint of a lie "you really mean that?!"

Tommy nodded at you and let his smile grow even bigger at the sight of your face lighting up "I'd take every day off if it meant that I could hear your laugh and see that beautiful smile"

"I love you Tommy Shelby" you whispered to him as he pulled you in for a kiss "And I love you Y/N Taylor" you let your head rest back onto his shoulder as he got back to his work.

A content smile slept on your face as you looked around the room and finally, you spotted John,Arthur and Finn staring at you through the window; all of their mouths open in shock at Tommy Shelby having feelings.

You shooed them away with your hands and giggled as you watched them mock their brothers previous actions and scurry off.

Tommy pretended not to notice his brothers as you clearly seemed to find it amusing but he would definitely be having words with them later.


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Yayyyy finally a happy tommy one, I enjoyed writing this and hopefully you guys like it. Please vote and comment what you think about these imagines. ALSO I WILL TAKE REQUESTS IF ANYONE HAS ANY! 👌🏼❤️

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