"Isaiah,what if my dad catches us?" You playfully swiped your boyfriend's hand away from travelling up your leg. He let out a small laugh and started to kiss your neck.
"It's alright,I can take him. I'm a peaky boy remember" you slapped his head and heard him chuckle under his breath.
"I think you're forgetting that my dad is one of the leaders of the blinders" you heard Isaiah mumble "oh yeah" before he continued to kiss your neck and make his way up to your jaw.
Isaiah was now straddling you,one hand was on your waist and the other was on the bed,supporting himself. You were about to reattach your lips to his when the door swung open causing Isaiah to jump and fall on top of you.
Your eyes cast to the door to see a fuming John Shelby storming out of the room,kicking the door as he left.
"This is worse that I thought,he was that angry he forgot to shout" you whisper shouted,pushing Isaiah onto the floor as you stood up,earning a grunt of pain.
"He's gonna kill you and then me!" You paced around the room,hands running through your hair. Isaiah walked slowly towards you and held your shoulders,stopping you from walking.
"Y/N,stop stressing. I'll talk to him and sort it out" you shook out of his hold and threw your hands up.
"Well,there goes my boyfriend. It was nice knowing you Zay" Isaiah chuckled and sat himself down on your bed,watching as you freaked out.
"You can't be serious? My dad is like a bomb,okay? The pin has already been pulled which means he could blow up any minute! I better start looking for another boyfriend. This isn't gonna end well. He walked in on us about to have sex! This is bad. Really really bad. Oh god!"Isaiah watched as you rambled on and when you finally stopped talking he ran over to you and planted a sweet kiss on your lips.
"I promise you,it will be fine. I love you" he cooed and planted another kiss before marching out of the door,attempting to find John.
"Why do men never listen?" You grumbled before running after your boyfriend. You were stopped in your tracks when Tommy stepped in front of you,cigarette hanging lazily in his mouth.
"Hi Uncle Tom,can't talk. Dad's gonna kill Zay. Okay love you bye" you planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek before running around him in hopes that you found your dad before he found Isaiah.
"Oh c'mon,you're serious? You think I'm gonna hurt her? On purpose?"You heard Isaiah let out a laugh and something slam onto a desk. You peered your head around the door of Tommy's office,seeing your dad sat in Tommy's chair with a face full of anger and Isaiah was sat opposite him. Thankfully,he still had his head. For now anyways.
You bathed into the room when you saw John grab Isaiah by the collar.
"Dad stop!" Immediately John dropped his hand and he turned to face you.
"What's going on dad? You have never had a problem before"
"He was going to hurt you,he will use you for sex and then leave"
You sighed and rubbed your hands across your face,pulling Isaiah up from the chair when you heard a low growl come from his throat.
"I asked him dad,I asked him too. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself you know" John sighed and walked around the desk,meeting you face to face.
"I promised your mother that I'd look after you,I don't want you to get hurt. You're my baby and ever since you've been dating him I hardly see you. You blow me off all of the time,I get that at a certain age it's not cool to hang around with your dad but I feel like I'm losing you"
Your face dropped and you couldn't fathom any words.
"John believe me now when I say that you are the most important person in Y/N'S life. You are always going to come first to her,no matter what" Isaiah spoke up,letting his hand rest on your waist but when John flared at his actions he quickly pulled away. You laughed lightly and walked closer to your dad.
"He's right you know,you're my bestfriend and you're always going to come first,dad" John glanced up at you and smiled,pulling you in for a hug.
"I love you,sweetheart"
"I love you too Dad"
"Awe I love both of you guys" another pair of arms wrapped around you and John causing John to break up the hug.
"Way to ruin the moment Zay"
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Hope you guys like this! For anyone that requested a second part to another imagine then they will be done shortly! ILY ALL ✨🌹