"Quick Finn! They're gonna catch us!" A 12 year old You squealed out to your bestfriend. Your mother and the Shelby's mother were bestfriends and gave birth to you both on the same day. Because of this, you told everybody that you were twins and nobody questioned it, you were always with the Shelby's and you both had the exact same hair colour and freckles in the same places. After much persuasion you managed to get the other boys to play along so if anybody asked them then they would always say you were twins.
You were currently being chased down watery lane by John and Arthur while tommy walked slowly behind laughing. You rounded a corner and realised Finn hasn't followed you, you waited for a few seconds and he appeared in the opening. You pulled him behind and shushed him. Once you saw and John and Arthur run past with stopping you both giggled and jumped out, watching them run down the street searching for you.
"Got ya" a voice whispered in between you both. The two of you squealed and turned around to see Tommy stood with a smile on his face, he shouted the boys over to him and you both pouted.
"Not fair Tommy" Finn crossed his arms
"Yeah not fair Tommy" you crossed your arms
Tommy mimicked your actions and laughed at you both. "You two could be twins for all we know"
At the same time you both looked at each other and gave a big goofy grin.
"We are Tom, I love Y/N and we are going to be bestfriends. Always! And I'm going to keep her safe forever"Finn answered, cocking his head to the side. You flung your arm across Finns shoulders and smiled at Tommy.
"Yep bestfriends forever and I'm going to make sure he stays outta trouble. Do you wanna be my bestfriend as well Tom?" Tommy smiled and nodded his head. You and Finn grinned at the older Shelby's and took off running down the street again, tagging each other as you ran.
The boys loved seeing you and Finn play together. It reminded them of when they were little and hadn't seen the horrors that they had now experienced. All they wished for is that you both keep this innocence and don't have to witness what they did.
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