Tommy Shelby - You Need Me

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Tommy wasn't the easiest man to love, he never was before the war and he never will be. If anything,he got harder to love after the war.  But you loved him nonetheless.

Before the war, Tommy smiled and joked a lot. He was a happy man and it seemed like nothing could break his spirit or get him down,especially with you around.

You and Tommy had met during school, you had ran out of cigarettes and in desperate need for one and it just so happened that Tommy had just bought a full packet. From that day on you became inseparable, one was never seen without the other and you quickly became friends with the other Shelby brothers.

You took a part time job working at the Garrison and most nights you had to stay late but you always had the company of Tommy. He stayed until you finished so he made sure you got home safely and it was on one of those late night walks home where he kissed you at your door and asked you to be his. Of course you said yes.

You had fell in love with his icy blue eyes. Those eyes held a hundred secrets and a million thoughts and you were eager to hear every last one of them. And his smile. Oh that smile. It was the sort of smile that knocked the breath out of your lungs, his smile was contagious and made everybody else around him smile. But after the war had broke out, you rarely saw that smile and his icy blue eyes became dark with pain and misery. Those hundreds of thoughts turned into hundreds of horrors.

You were sat outside the Shelby home when Tommy had told you he was going off to war with his brothers.  It was just under 2 years that you and Tommy had been together and you spent every second with each other,falling deeper in love With him by the minute. You were heartbroken and dreaded not seeing him for a few months. That is how long he said he'd be gone for. A few months. Little did you both know that those "few months" would actually be a few years.

It was nearing to the third year of war and the third year of the Shelby's being gone. You had received multiple letters off the boys, each one saying how much they missed you and the horrors they experienced,except from Tommy.

Tommy wrote that he missed you and loved you a lot and that the war wasn't that bad (he didn't want to worry you). He would also write that he would understand if you couldn't wait for him anymore and every time you wrote him back and told him not to be stupid. You would always wait for him. No matter what.

It was now 1919 and the boys had been back for a year. Each of them broken and messed up in different ways and each of them dealing with it in their own ways. Arthur used snow. John did whatever he could and Tommy used Opium.

When you met the boys at the train station you had cried upon seeing your Tommy alive. He didn't cry. He didn't smile. He just stared at you and pulled you in for a hug. That was the start of a new life for a broken Thomas Shelby.

Tommy didn't smile anymore. He didn't laugh,he didn't joke, he didn't sing and he rarely showed you affection.

Most nights before he went to sleep he used opium, not that it did any good but he insisted it worked. Many nights Tommy had woken up crying and scared,desperate to get away from the sound of the shovels and picks. And many nights he cried into your arms as you sang to him softly and stroked his hair,urging him back to sleep. You never let him see your pain at seeing him like this,after all,you had to be strong for the both of you.

10 years. That's how long you and Tommy had been together and in those 10 years you had gotten married and had a beautiful son together. Charlie. He was just like his dad. Same smile,same love of horses but he was a proper mummy's boy.

Tommy worked late most nights and often came home drunk, you had cleaned him up in his drunken state so many times and each time you scolded him. One night, Charlie had walked in on his dad drunk in his office. Tommy was on the floor with a bottle in his hand and cuts all over him from the smashed glass.

You heard Charlie's shouts for you "daddy needs you" he shouted. You quickly ushered him out of the room and sent him back upstairs to bed. Your eyes wandered over the broken man and you let a few tears slip down your cheek.

Dragging Tommy up off the floor, you helped him get himself cleaned up and get the glass out of his wounds. "You shouldn't be with me Y/N. You and Charlie, you deserve better" he whispered to you. You shook your head and refused to look into his eyes

"No because you need me Thomas Shelby and Me and Charlie need you"

~~~~Just a gif of Tommy smiling because it is the rarest and most precious thing ever

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Just a gif of Tommy smiling because it is the rarest and most precious thing ever.
Anyways I hope you guys like this one! Please vote and comment!✨🌹

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