Arthur Shelby - Gif Series

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"Cmon love,almost there" Aunt Polly said as she helped you down the stairs,making sure you didn't fall and hurt yourself or the baby

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"Cmon love,almost there" Aunt Polly said as she helped you down the stairs,making sure you didn't fall and hurt yourself or the baby. You threw her a little smile as you reached the bottom and she gave your shoulder a small squeeze.

"Boys" you called,causing Arthur,Tommy,Finn and John to snap their heads towards you "I'd like to introduce you all to the newest and most handsome member of the Shelby Family" you smiled and turned your son around so the boys could see him.

Arthur immediately ran over to you and stroked his face with his thumb,tears welling up in his eyes. "We made this" he whispered and stared at you,love in his eyes as he stared at you "I love you so fucking much,Y/N Shelby" he kissed your forehead and gently took the baby out of your arms.

"He looks just like me" he smiled and laughed as he placed his hat on his child's head.

"Well I feel sorry for 'im then" John laughed and ruffled his brothers hair.

"He's gorgeous,Y/N" Tommy stood next to you and flung his arm over your shoulder,giving you a proud smile.

"You're an uncle,Tom" you leaned your head on his shoulder and watched as your husband and his brothers fussed over your son,a permanent smile on your face.

"Yeah...I am" he whispered and the same smile that was on your face,appeared on his.

You were so thankful that you had become friends with Thomas Shelby and became closer during high school,if it wasn't for your friendship with him then you never would have met your husband and you wouldn't have ever met this family. You wouldn't have met your family.

"What's his name,Y/N?" Finn yelled causing you to think for a moment.

"Thomas James" you replied looking over at Arthur who nodded with a smile. You looked up at Tommy and saw his eyes were glossy,he knew the meaning behind the name and so did Arthur.

You named him Thomas after Tommy of course. It was a joke between you both that if you guys stayed friends then you would name a kid after them and everytime you called their name,it would remind you of your bestfriend.

The 'James' was after your older brother and close friend of the Shelby boys. He was in France with them but he never returned home and it broke your heart along with the others but now your heart had been fixed. Yes there was a hole where your brother was but you knew that he'd be proud of you.

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while! I really hope you guys like this one. I also have a vampire diaries/ the originals Gif Series out so please go check it out and leave me your thoughts. Thank you! ILY❤️

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