All The Shelbys - Coming Out

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*REQUESTED by @Amy666_ *

Beads of sweat made your face shine as you walked towards the doors of the Garrison. To say you were scared was an understatement. You were absolutely terrified. You knew how your brothers could be and you had no idea how they were going to react to your news.

You had called a family meeting and everybody was already there,apart from you. You were taking as long as you could to get to the bar so you could put it off for a little longer but you knew that it needed to be said and it needed to be said soon.

You had known since you were 15, you weren't like most girls. You weren't ogling at every cute boy that passed,in fact, you didn't even bat an eye lid. Due to you being the Shelby brother's youngest sister, boys hardly ever came near you which didn't bother you at all. You were now 20 and had successfully hid it for 5 years but the secret was eating you up inside. Your family was close and told each other everything, you felt almost like you were betraying them by not telling them.

You took a deep breath and pushed open the doors to the Garrison. Harry nodded at you as you gave him a quick wave to get your usual before slowly making your way into the side room where your family sat.

"Aye here she is,took you long enough and you were the one that called this meeting" Arthur jeered,taking a mouthful of whiskey.

Mumbling a quick sorry you took your seat in between John and Finn.

"Right Y/N,this better be important because I've got things to do" Tommy lit his cigarette and looked at you,earning a glare from Polly at his words. Tommy was never patient and hated being interrupted when he was in the middle of something.

Your head fell down and a shaky breath escaped your lips before looking back up. Maybe it wasn't too late. Maybe you could cancel the meeting and say you forgot? No,you couldn't do that. You just had to suck it up and get on with it.

"Before I tell you,you must promise not to get mad" your eyes flickered around the room,never staying on one person for too long, in case they could see inside your mind and reveal the secret. You knew it couldn't happen but right now,you had no idea what was going to happen.

"What the fuck 'av ya done now kiddo?" John laughed and ruffled your hair.

"Whatever has happened then we can work through it together,like we always do" Polly placed a hand on your arm,stroking her thumb up and down easing your nerves a little.

"I don't know how to say this but Uhm...I..."

"Spit it out will you Y/N" Tommy rolled his eyes,getting bored with the whole situation.

"Shut up Thomas,maybe it would be better to do this without you" Polly snapped at her nephew.

"I Uhm I don't like boys?" It came out more like a question,you didn't know how else to say it and you hoped to Christ that they knew what you were on about and wouldn't make you say it.

Finn,who had been quiet the whole time,let out a small laugh "good,you're to young to be dating anyway,at least we won't be having to cut anyone"  the other boys let out a small laugh and nodded along. A frustrated groan left your lips causing the boys' attention to be back on you.

"I didn't mean it like that, I meant....ugh I'm just gonna say it. I'm gay" your huffed out. Your head dropped to your lap immediately,not wanting to see the disappointed, angered and disgusted faces of your family.

"Fuckin finally" Arthur shouted,causing all the boys to cheer.

Your head snapped up in confusion to see everybody with big smiles on their faces. Not disappointed,not angry, not ashamed. They were happy?

"We already knew Y/N,we could tell. We didn't want to say anything in case it upset you so we waited for you to come to us" Tommy's voice was soft and calm,a smile creeping onto his lips. A few tears brimmed at your eyes. You didn't know why you ever thought that they would be angry or upset. John flung his arms around,squeezing you tight in a bear hug.

",you aren't mad at me?" You sniffled, causing the boys to laugh once more.

"Why would be?" Finn asked,taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Well I guess I should tell you that I have a girlfriend?" You blushed and scratched the back of your neck. Another round of cheers came from the boys and you giggled at their reactions.

"Is she pretty?"

"Where does she work?"

"What's she like?"

Questions came spurting from every direction but you just laughed along with your family.

"Yes she's pretty,she works at the flower shop down the road, and honestly,she is one of the best things to ever happen to me"

A round of awes escaped the mouths of the Shelby's,all apart from John who had something else to say.

"The blonde from the flower shop? For fucks sake Y/N,I was gonna ask her out tomorrow" he faked a look of anger but ruffled your hair. Tommy had been quiet apart from his cheers and you were a bit worried.


"I'm fine with it Y/N and I'm happy for you, if anybody says anything or insults you then tell us and we'll sort them out and if she hurts you, I don't care that she is woman then we will make her regret it. Nobody hurts my little sister"

You nodded and smiled at your brothers words and you were thankful that you had a family like them. Why were you ever worried?

~~~~I really tried my best with this one so I really hope you like it!

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I really tried my best with this one so I really hope you like it!

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