Michael Gray - Love Will Remember

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"MICHAEL PUT ME DOWN!" You squealed out,Michael laughed and continued to spin you around before finally dropping you onto the warm,fluffy grass. He flopped down beside you and pulled you into his side. You rested your head on his shoulder and studied the clouds in the sky letting your mind wander into the depths of your memories.

"I'm so glad we got out of that boring old town" Michael hummed in response to you. "I'm just so glad you stayed with me, god knows I don't deserve you" a warm smile slipped onto your mouth. He propped onto his elbow and stared down at you, taking in your features. The way the sun made your skin a golden colour which brought out the blue in your eyes, the way your freckles were scattered about your face giving you a childlike look. He loved everything about you even if he didn't show it at times.

Your eyes were closed but you could feel his eyes boring into you. "What are you staring at Gray?" He let out a soft laugh "I'm just so glad I've got you after all the mistakes I've made"

You opened one eye and sent him a small smile "I love you Michael, you make stupid decisions when you're around your cousins and I might get mad but I'll never stop loving you. Never"
That day happened after a year of moving to Birmingham,Michael was still the sweet boy that you had once fell in love with but now he was completely different. He let the power get to his head, something he said he'd never do. You still loved the boy but he was starting to get on your nerves quite a bit and it was the same for Polly.

It seemed like he didn't have respect for you anymore, he'd go out and get drunk and stay out until all hours of the morning, he would flirt with other girls in front of you and when you scolded him for it he flipped. "I'm only being friendly for fucks sake, it's not like I'm fucking them right in front of you but oh no it's completely different when you speak to other men". That argument seemed to happen more and more nowadays.

You sighed and threw your cigarette onto the floor Before returning back inside the house to the family meeting. You didn't actually care what the meeting was about, you just wanted to be there because you knew Michael didn't like or want you there.

"Right people, black star day is coming. The day we take down Billy Kimber once and for all. Now I'm not going to tell you when that day is but it's soon" everyone nodded at Tommy's words, he lit a cigarette and let out a drag as his eyes scanned across the room. You stood up and eyes from all over the room were drawn to you. "Tom? Can I suggest something" before Tommy could even answer, Michael was up on his feet and interrupting.

"No Y/N, now sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, this is men's business not women's" You laughed at Michael but refused To move, nobody was going to tell you what to do. Especially Michael Gray.

"Michael shut up and I don't appreciate you speaking to me like that" you said in an almost patronising tone,now it was Michael's turn to laugh.

He walked over to you slowly and lowered his voice "I suggest you listen to me and sit down. Now."

You crossed your arms and stared at him dead in the eyes. "Or what" you spat, malice lacing your words. Polly stood up and walked in front of you, crossing her arms and glaring down at her son.

"Or fucking what" she snapped at him. Polly wasn't going to let her son speak to you like that. The two of you had gotten pretty close and she viewed you as a daughter. Even if you and Michael were to break up she would always have your back, she told you constantly. Michael rolled his eyes and let out a sigh.

"For fucks same Polly, just go and sit down will you" she turned to look at you and you both just laughed at him. Tommy and the other boys knew if he didn't shut up soon then another world war was about to break out. Arthur and John let out a small scoff,not wondering how he had the guts to speak to Polly like that, even they didn't speak to her like that.

"Oh so now I'm Polly to you? I suggest you shut your mouth son before you really regret it" Michael sighed at the emphasis on "son" and sat back in his seat, not wanting to make this argument worse. Polly sat back in her seat, glaring at Michael but everybody else's gaze was on you.

You walked towards Michael, his eyes never leaving yours. "Y'know Michael, all this power has gotten to your head and it's ruined you. Just because you have power doesn't mean you can treat people that you love the way that you do"

Michael's reply was quiet and barely audible but you heard it and you're pretty sure everybody else did as well. "Who says I love you anymore?"

You stormed out of the room, kicking chairs out of your way as you passed. You loved Michael and you always would but he was making it really difficult to carry on loving him.

 You loved Michael and you always would but he was making it really difficult to carry on loving him

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