chapter two

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According to my calculations, the village closest to me was a 3 day trip. I had enough food to last me, but I knew I needed to hunt. All I had for weapons was a belt knife, which would not do.

Chestnut pushed past more branches with a snort of displeasure. The trail was littered with glass and blood, I did not want chestnut to walk over it. We were in the trees, close to the main path, but hidden enough to be safe. I scratched behind her ears, patting her head in encouragement.

"You got this girl," I whispered. She gave another snort. I sighed, glancing through the thick branches towards the sun. Only a few hours of daylight were left which meant we would be stopping soon.

I glanced around the trees with narrowed eyes. We would need a safe area. I grunted, pulled chestnut to a stop, slid off the saddle and tied a long lead to her reins.

"I am walking  with you now," I told her, giving her a small smile. How I could smile only hours after my brothers death was unknown to me. I knew he would want me happy through, both Gage and Tobes.

She gave another snort, only glanced at me for a second before looking away, her nose to the air. I sighed. She had some attitude, but I thought it gave her character.

Despite her protests, I lead chestnut further from the main path. I could see it a little, but I knew we were not far enough away to camp yet. I really did not want to get lost and never be able to find the way back to the trail.

We were heading west, so it would not be hard to figure out which direct was east, where the trail was. I gulped, my boots almost silent in the soft snow. I made a fist, biting my lip as I turned away from the path.

Saftey first. If we got lost, at least we were somewhat safe. A walked a little further. Far enough so other people would not spot me, but close enough that now wild animals would approach.

"Looks like we will be camping here," I mumbled, tying chestnut to a tree. My hands shook a little as I pulled some deer jerky from my bag. The hairs on the back of my neck were raised in alarm, the feeling of something watching me sending alarm bells in my head into a frenzy of ringing.

I did not turn, fear making my heart speed up. The cold stopped being a bother as warm blood and adreniline spiked through me.  Chestnut seemed unaffected as she dug through the snow to get to the grass. The feeling was worse now.

Sweat beaded on my forehead, my hand grasping the knife on my belt. I pulled it into my hand, whipping my head around and sliding into a crouch. A man stood in the snow, surprise lighting up his face as he met my eyes.

He had long back hair that went past his shoulders, pointed ears sticking out through his long locks. He had blue eyes, his skin pale as he looked me over.

"Good fight crouch. The feirceness in your eyes would intimidate any human. You hide your fear well," his voice sounded like a harp, gentle and relaxing. I was surprised as he walked closer, but held my ground. I clenched my teeth together to stop their chattering.

"What do you want?" I asked. My voice sounded harsh, even to me. He rose a brow, chuckling a little.

"I want to test you. You cannot hurt me, I know that, you are a pathetic human after all," he explained, picking at his long nails in mock boredom.

"What kind of test?" I asked. Timidness leaked into my voice, my fight crouch letting up as I slowly stood up straight. I did not let go of my knife though. I was scared.

He snapped his finger, a gust of wind flicked my golden brown hair up, chills of goosebumps flickering down my neck. A smell surrounded me. It smelt like sickness, how my family smelt like when they had the plague. I narrowed my eyes at him, anger growing in my stomach.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my knees bending again, ready to fight or run at any moment. He smirked, snapping his fingers once more. Another breeze ruffled my clothes, the smell vanishing. Did he do that?

"I was testing if you could get infected by the plague that wiped out half of the human race. Looks like your immune though," another smirk slipped onto his face. I clenched my teeth, this time in anger.

He had done it. His race had killed my family. I needed one last check. My eyes narrowed in anger as a looked him over. Maybe I had a few questions.

"Why did you look suprised when i turned to face you?" I asked first. He leaned against the tree across from me, folding his arms and kicking one leg over the other.

"Most humans do not notice my presence until I am breathing down their neck. You noticed when I started watching intently, when I studied you." He easily explained.

"What are you?" I asked. "I assume you are Fae, I thought you did not exist anymore?" I asked, leaning agaisnt my own tree. He smirked once again.

"You surprise me a lot. I am fae, most humans assume I am some sort of ghost or evil spirit, or a just a plain creepy human." He tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"You're still creepy, it does not matter your race." I said. Then I sighed a little. "Did your people create the plague?" I asked carefully. His smirk faded, eyes focused on me as if he could predict my actions.

"Yes," he said. "They did."

Fury The Color Of Red and Blue(Book 1 Of The Fae Series, Completed ✔)Where stories live. Discover now