chapter six

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I had fallen asleep after I read a few more jokes and snuggling into the soft silk sheets. This place has the best quality of... basically everything. I woke up feeling rested, the best sleep I ever had.

I touched my chest, glad the closet had not stolen my locket from me. I kissed the golden heart, letting it fall between my breasts again. A yawn broke through my lips as I glanced around the room.

I wish there was windows.

I stretched, rubbing my eyes a little as I swung my legs off the bed. I wonder what the plan for me was today. I stumbled sleepily over to the closet, opening it up and smirking as fog rolled over my body.

My clothes vanished, leaving me bare and naked for only a moment, a long sweatshirt and wool leggings now on my figure I glanced at the mirror to check my hair. I had a neater bun, my long golden brown locks tightly wrapping in a ribbon. Small curls hung in front of my ears, framing my round face.

I look good. I smirked at my reflection, staring down at my feet with another smile. I once again had on soft socks that could easily slide across the marble floor, Entertainment for hours.

I slipped towards the bathroom, do my business then stepping into the shower. One my whole body was inside, my clothes vanished completely. I blinked, glad the feeling bbn of someone watching me was not present as I turned on the steaming water.

I relaxed with a small sigh, leaning my head back on the tub rim. When I opened my eyes a tray of food now sat on a stand over the bathtub, my eyebrows raising slightly.

I could get used to this magic.

Gabriel pov:

I ran a hand through my hair, once again sitting stiffly on my throne. Had yuki been ignoring us? I tapped my chin, standing up and walking towards a door.

Pushing open the wood, a dark hallway was exposed to me. I snapped my finger, torches along the walls lighting with bright fire. I shut the door behind me as I walked down the cobblestone path.

It was one of the only floors in the castle that did not have marble. I smirked as I pushed a brick into the wall, a door sliding open. It was the door to my spy mirror room.

I smirked as I stepped into the room, the door slipping shut with a large groan. I stared at the large mirror hanging on the back wall for a moment before walking closer and touching my fingers to the glass.

"Damion," I whispered. My reflection rippled until a scene of Damion snoring quietly was shown to me. I sighed, shaking my head. "It is 8 o'clock, why are you not awake?" I asked the knew damion would not hear my complaint, but I felt like complaining anyways.

"Yuki," I whispered. She should still be sleeping, right? I picture of her naked was shown, my brown eyes widening. Her hair was wet as she stood up from the bath, all of her glory exposed.

Blush heated my cheeks but I could not take my eyes away from her, even as clothes appeared on her body, her hair still in soaked tumbles down her back.

Then she glared, right at him, an angry look contorted her beautiful features.

"Oh, watching me as I get out of the bath are you?" She asked. She stuck out her tongue, my eyebrows raising a little. "Wanna see, fine then." She walked over to the closet, yanking open the poor door then stepping out of the fog, no clothes on her body.

Only a locket that dangled between her plump breasts.

I turned it to Damion again. He was finally awake, and rushing to the throne room. I shook my head again, leaving the mirror room and walking down the hallway.

Another snap turned all the fire into ash as I pushed the door open, locking it behind me before walking to my throne. I sat down, staring at the large doors as they opened.

"Sir, what should we do with Yuki today?" He asked. I kept my dirty thoughts in the gutter, giving him a small smile.

"Someone should explain to her the ways of the Fae. She is going to be one of us soon," I suggested with a small shrug. "Actually, I will do that. I need you to look for other human survivers and bring them here. Mother nature will be coming in 4 days and she wants to meet the people she chose."

"Yes, sir." Damion dipped his head, turning on his heel as he left. Mother nature would pair the remaining mortals up so their race would not die off completely.

My messenger scurried into the room as my advisor left. I smirked at him, standing up from my throne and walking towards him. My armor clanked as I moved, but I did not take notice to it.

"Calculate how many humans are alive," I commanded coolly, stepping to the side of him and leaving the room. I had to help someone learn about the fae.

Fury The Color Of Red and Blue(Book 1 Of The Fae Series, Completed ✔)Where stories live. Discover now