Chapter 2- Halloween

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We were in Mister Flitwick's charms class. He was teaching us how to make items float, more or less, a feather. I was late, again, due to a snake bite to Pansy, which was a total 'accident'. Shadow was hissing in my ear, wanting some food.

"Sorry, you can't go or you'll probably attack Pansy again." I said, in parseltounge.

He just hissed, and went to sleep, I just kept on practicing. Until Draco started asking me questions about my snake.

"What kinda snake is he?" He asked

"Its a nunya." I said

"Nunya?" he questioned

"Yeah, nunyabusiness." I said

Students around us started laughing. I smiled at him, while he only glared.

"Wingardium Leviosa." I said, and my feather flew up.

Hermoine did hers first though, as we left the classroom, I congratulated Hermoine on getting it. Then I heard Ron being a total idiot, Hermoine 'accidentally' ran into Ron's shoulder.

"Why do you have to be such an idiot, Ron?!" I yelled at him.

"I didn't do anything wrong." He said

"Yes you did.." I hissed

Harry dragged me away a bit that way I wouldn't pull Ron's eyes out.

"Seriously, where is the sweet kind girl I used to know?" Harry said

"Gone, I have to stick up for myself, I'm still sweet and kind, just when someone makes fun of my friends I will end them." I said

He nodded and left, I went towards the Slytherin table in the Dining Hall. I plopped down on a seat and laid my head on the table, closing my eyes trying to take a nap. Then-


Hermoine! I thought screamed. Color drained out of my face and I started shaking really bad.

"Just thought you wanted to know." he said, then fainted.

Everyone started screaming, including Draco.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled

Everyone calmed down, he told the prefect's to take the students to the dorms. I was literally shaking the whole way there, Draco glanced at me a couple of times, but I made better of it. Once we got there, I sat on a big chair, with Shadow on my lap. I leaned my head against the pillows, and fell asleep.


Draco walked into the main room and saw Ava sleeping on the chair. He went back to his room and grabbed a blanket. He draped it over her and carefully put the snake on top, he saw a glint underneath the blanket, it was a locket, with a black snake on it. 'Wonder what that's for.' he thought and went to bed.


I woke up this morning, with a blanket over me. There was a note next to my head, next time, I won't be so nice, go to your room.-Draco I smiled a bit then got up, everyone was probably at the Dining Hall this morning. I walked towards it, straightening my clothes out. I headed over to the table, pulling my robes closer to me, it was really cold, for me. Draco was talking to Crabbe and Goyole. Okay who names their kids that? I questioned. I began eating bits of bread, I wasn't that hungry. I looked over and saw that Hermoine was back. I began to feel a little better, but I still wasn't completely feeling good.

"Hey, Ava, is everything alright?" Draco asked

"Fine.." I said

"Liar.." he said

"Why do you care?" I asked

"Well, I don't, it's just that, you looked really shaken up when you heard that there was a troll. When I covered you with the blanket, you started mumbling something about Granger." he said

"Did I know? Shadow, I told you to keep watch!" I snapped at my snake

Sorry, but he wasn't trying to hurt you. Shadow hissed

"Um, Ava, seriously, why are you still pale? I mean, your hair is really dark against your pale skin." he said

"Sorry, just.. not feeling well, that's all." I said, smiling.

He looked at me, then looked away.

"Um, Draco.." I started

"What?" he retorted

"Are we friends?" I asked

He stopped eating, and started thinking. I couldn't read his mind unless he was lying, but I could tell he was having a mind battle based on his face.

"You want to be friends, with me?" he asked

"Only if you want to.. you don't have to. It's just, my only friend is Shadow. But I also have Harry, Hermoine, and Ron, but I barley see them." I said

"Hm, fine.." he said

I smiled a bit, when I looked over at Harry, he seemed really mad. Ah great, Harry is going to be so mad at me.

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