Chapter 4- The Worst Christmas

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"Potter!" I heard Malfoy yell at me.

"What is it?" I snapped

"It's your sister. She got hurt." he said

I got up and ran after him, he showed me to the Medical Wing. I saw my sister, her eyes were bandaged and blood was running from her eyes. I ran over and held her hand.

"H-harry, is that you?" she said

"Yeah, what happened?" I asked

"Well, Marcus was saying that I let you win. I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm, then Draco came by, trying to help me. But Marcus let go and I fell back and hit my head on the fence." She said

"What about Christmas? Are you going to be okay in a few weeks?" I asked her

"Harry, goodness, let her rest. I think what happened and how her eyes are bleeding, is because when she hit her head on the fence, her eyes exploded from the impact. But the strange thing is, new eyes are beginning to form, best not look at them, or else she'll probably take your eyes." Miss Pomfrey said

I was shoved out of the room, not seeing my sister for a while. Me and Malfoy were walking, it was weird how he was there.

"Why didn't you help her sooner?" I asked

"Because I was busy and I didn't hear her until she was screaming." Malfoy said

"Malfoy, if your gonna care about her, you better make sure she doesn't get hurt, or I'll seriously end you." I said, and walked away.

~~A few weeks later~~

I can't believe it's Christmas already, Miss Pomfrey gave me a see through bandage. I can see out but others can't see in. When I got downstairs there were presents, I had a small one. I looked at the box.

"Draco, did you get me this box?" I asked

He just stopped what he was doing, him, Crabbed, Goyole, and I were the only Slytherin here. So he wasn't going to get laughed at.

"Maybe.." he said, smugly.

I opened it, and in it was a ring, it had a green emerald and silver outside, it was the shape of a snake.

I opened it, and in it was a ring, it had a green emerald and silver outside, it was the shape of a snake

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"Thank you, I really like it. Oh here, you can have this." I said, taking off my locket.

"What? No, that's your locket." He said

"Well, I insist, and if you don't take it, I'll tell my brother that you were being mean to me." I said

"Alright fine." he said taking it.

I laughed to myself, using my brother like that, so funny. I put the ring on and went to get dressed, after that, I walked with Draco to the Dining Hall.


Just so you know, the snake that she has is a Mexican Black Kingsnake.

Just so you know, the snake that she has is a Mexican Black Kingsnake

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While walking, I saw Harry and Ron playing Wizard's chess. I waved bye to Draco and went over, Shadow helps me see better, he's kinda my eyes. I walked over and joined them, Harry and Ron said hello and went back to there game.

"Hey Ron, are you staying?" I asked

"Yes, so is Harry, oh, right, forgot you guys are siblings." he said

"What did ya'll get?" I asked

They looked at me weird (i wonder why?), then told me what they got, Harry got our parent's invisibility cloak, and Ron got a sweater. I told them I got a book about Dark magic and shadow snakes (hint, hint), they were staring at the ring I was wearing.

"Oh, Draco got it for me. I gave him my locket, that way he had something from me to." I said

"Are you two dating or something?" Ron asked

"What? NO! We're just friends." I said

"Friends that give gifts?" he said

"Ron, I'm pretty sure friends can give each other gifts." I said

Before he could say anymore, Draco was walking outside. I nodded my head towards Draco and smiled mischievously. They knew what I was talking about, we snuck outside and I threw a snowball at Draco.

"Hey, blondie, wanna play snowball fight?" I yelled

"Sure, Gryffindor against Slytherin?" he pointed

"Yasss!" I said

Then we had an epic snowball fight, but we all ran inside seeing Snape walk out. We were all wore out from the snowball fight that lasted 15 minutes. Me and Draco walked towards our dorms, and we were gonna wait till dinner.

"So, what to do know.." I said, patting Shadow's head.

If he tries anything, I'll bite him.-Shadow

"You will do no such thing, he won't do that." I hissed

"Um, Ava, are you talking to your snake?" he asked

"Yes, is that weird?" I asked

"Well, normally, one wouldn't talk to animals, unless they have the gift." he said

"Since when did you get into animal and wizard mythology?" I asked

He glared at me, "Oh I study here and there."

I rolled my eyes, well, Shadow did. I can't roll my eyes unless I want them to bleed again. Miss Pomfrey says I can't take off my bandage until my eyes are fully healed. Ugh, this will have probably been the worst or the best Christmas ever.

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