Chapter 7

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Me, Ron, and Hermione were sitting on the benches studying, when both the Slytherin team and the Gryffindor met up.

"Uh oh, I smell trouble." Ron said

"Yeah." I said

We walked towards the team, they were saying they got a new seeker.

"Wait, but I thought that Ava was the seeker." Wood said

"I can't see very well without my bandages. And, Professor Dumbledore said it would be best if I don't do quidditch anymore, since it almost got me killed." I said

"So who is it?" Wood asked

"Me." Draco said

'Of course.' I thought to myself. They also got themselves a Nimbus 2001, he had to buy his way in.

"At least no one on Gryffindor had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione said

"No one asked you, Mudblood." Draco said

I gasped, and Ron got his wand out and tried to curse Draco with eating a slug spell but it backfired. He started to puke up slugs, Harry and Hermione were going to bring him to Hagrid's house. I heard Draco laughing, I turned around and looked at him.

"Is that how it is Draco? You targeting my friends. I thought you were better than this, but you aren't. Your just a spoiled brat that always gets what he wants. You should learn to have manners towards people who aren't as rich as your family is." I said, purposely running into his shoulder.

"Ooh, Draco, looks like your little girlfriend is mad at you." Flint said

"Shut up!" Draco shouted

I found my way to Hagrid's but, I decided to stay away and went back to the Common room. I sat in the darkest corner of the room and started crying. Shadow was trying to calm me down, but I didn't listen to him.

"Oh my gosh! Ava what's wrong?" Pansy asked running over to me.

"Why do you care?" I asked

"If it's about Draco, he made me cry a lot of times too. So what did he do?" she asked

"He was being a jerk to my friends and my brother. And he replaced me on the Quidditch team, although I don't mind." I said

"Draco is a big jerk. Don't worry about what he does, if he is mean to anyone, you just stick up form them, but don't cry afterwards." She said

-In the Defence Against the Dark Arts-

We were just sitting in class when Mister Lockhart walked into the classroom. All the girls were googly eyeing him. I rolled my eyes and just watch him take the drape over the cage. There was Cornish Pixies. Then he let them out, four of them flew at me, and started messing with my hair and clothes.

"Hey, stop it!" I yelled, trying to smack them away.

They pulled on my skirt and shirt, I tried to reach for my wand but it fell to the floor.

"Hey leave her alone." Draco said, smacking them away with a book. "Come with me." he said, grabbing my hand.

He pulled me out of the classroom, I saw that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were still in there.

"Thank you, Draco." I said

"No.. problem." he said

"But I still don't forgive you for being mean to Hermione." I said, straightening my hair.

"I know, but you mustn't think that I will change." he said

"Oh I know, but I will still hope." I said, walking away.

-At the Common Room-

I took off my school clothes to change, and a Cornish Pixie fell out. I jumped back, but he didn't look like he would harm me. He just flew over to my shoulder and rubbed his face against mine.

--Next day--

Ugh, Lockhart is still teaching our Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Today, he will show us some counter spells. After he and Snape demonstrated he asked Potter to come up with Ron. The Pixie was on my shoulder, everyone was looking anxious at it.

"Um, Sir, which one?" I asked

"There's two?" Lockhart stood there dumbfounded.

"It would be foolish to put the girl up here. So put Harry up here with Draco." Snape said

I glared at him a bit, he just glared back. After a while of them just throwing spells at each other, Draco cast a spell that summoned a snake. It was right in front of me, hissing, it scared me, my hand was on my wand. But Harry started speaking Parseltongue, the snake continued to look at me. I held my hand out towards the snake, the snake barred it's fangs at my hand. The snake snapped and bit my hand, Snape shot a spell at it and it burned away. I fell to my knees and held my hand, it was bleeding a lot.

"Get her to Madame Pomfrey." Snape said

My vision kept going in and out. "Ron.. stay with Harry, please." I whispered.

"I think she's delusional." Ron said

"She's seeing things, like she did when.." Harry started

"When what?" Snape asked

"After.. our Aunt tried to let her handle some flowers. A snake came up and bit her, on the same hand, in the same spot." Harry said

Snape picked up Ava and took her to Madame Pomfrey. She wrapped Ava's hand and let her sleep, Harry came by several times but she would not allow him to see her.

"Why won't you let me see my sister?" he asked

"She needs rest, and she can't handle seeing you so worried. She told me herself." she said

"Alright." Harry said, leaving.

--After the messages--

"Harry! I heard what happened with Ginny." Ava said, running up to Harry.

"Yeah, me and Ron were just heading towards Mr. Lockhart's to tell him what we knew." he said

"I'm coming too." she said

"Oh no your not. Madame Pomfrey said your not supposed to be out of bed." Harry said

She glared at him, "Alright fine, you can come." he said

She smiled at her pixie and followed Harry and Ron. 'I think that Pixie's getting Ava way to devious.' Harry thought. When we got there, Lockhart was packing his stuff.

"Going somewhere?" Harry asked

"Yes, got a very important call. Have to go." he lied

"What about my sister?" Ron asked

"No one is for sorry, than I. But you see this was never listed this in the job description." Lockhart said

"You are coming with us." Ava hissed

"Fine." he finally gave up.

Then we headed towards Myrtle's Bathroom.

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