Chapter 11

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I stomped over to Draco who was telling them how Buckbeak almost killed him. I grabbed my book and kept smacking him with it. He was trying to block with his arms, even his 'broken' one.

"How dare you get Buckbeak killed! Your such a freakin' brat and I wish that Buckbeak had killed you, that way I don't have to deal with you anymore!" I yelled at him.

He stared at me, then I left the room, going back to the dorms. 'I hate him, so much, probably to the point it hurts.' I thought almost crying. I felt someone grab my arm, I turned around to see Harry, looking very concerned. I just hugged him and started crying.

"Harry.. why does Draco have to be such a jerk?" I asked, calming down a bit.

"Well, he just has problems. Don't worry about it, okay?" He said patting my head.

I nodded and hugged him one last time then headed to my dorms. Not even caring for my classes.


"Wow Draco, you've gone and made her mad, what in the bloody hell is wrong with you?" Ron asked.

"Oh shut up." Draco hissed

He stared after Ava, he saw Potter get up and go after her. Was he feeling, guilt? It feels weird inside of him, like, he actually cared about her. 'Stop it Draco, you do not have feelings.' He thought to himself, but he was pretty sure he was lying to himself.


She laid in her bed, with Wolfa licking her face. Tears were streaming down her face, like tiny waterfalls.

"Why do I regret what I said?" I asked the wolf.

He stopped licking my face and put his head down on my neck. I pat his head and closed my eyes, I heard knocking on the door, then Pansy's voice was muffled behind the door.

"You can come in, it's not my room." I replied, turning over.

"Ava, I know you're crying, can I do anything to help?" she asked, sitting on the end of my bed.

"You can tell me why Draco is being a jerk." I said, not moving.

"I can tell you that he has 'daddy' issues, Lucius is a bit, harsh towards him, the only people nice to him are his mother.. and you." She said

"So?" I said

"Well, I'm saying that, Draco cares about his mother.. and you. He can't help being a jerk, it's who he is." She said, rubbing my back.

I sat up and looked at her.

"Your eyes are beautiful." She said, wiping away tears running down my face.

"They're my fathers, Harry our mothers." I said.

"I bet you look exactly like your mother, but didn't she have orange hair?" She asked.

"Yes, but my Aunt dyed it brown, 'cause she hates her sister." I said, pulling at my hair.

"Well, why don't we remove it?" Pansy asked

I looked at her, "You can do that? Really?!" I said.

"Why of course." Pansy said, grabbing my hand.

She pulled me into the bathroom, and brought out her wand. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but my hair started lifting and glowing. Then, it turned orange, like my mother's hair.

"Your hairs so beautiful!" Pansy exclaimed

I held my hair and twisted it in my fingers. Pansy brushed through my hair, she kept talking about well, classes and teachers. Then she stopped brushing.

"I have an excellent idea!" She yelled, dragging me back to the room.

"What is it?" I asked

"You want to catch Draco's eye don't you?" she asked

My face started getting hot, "What? NO!" I said.

She smirked, "Oh yeah, sure. Anyway, you want him to know you mean business, well, why don't we change your style." She said, pulling out a black tank and ripped jeans.

"You like playing pranks don't you?" she asked

I nodded, "Well, this is your chance to prank him and his goons." she said, throwing the clothes.

I changed into the clothes, then grabbed some pranking stuff that Fred and George gave me. I snuck towards the boy's bathroom where Draco had his shampoo. I poured green hair dye in his shampoo, pink for Crabbe(Or Goyole) and his newbie. We shuffled out of there and sat by the fire until we heard screams. I smiled to her then stood up, and looked towards the bathroom.

"Someone's dyed your hair?" I asked, looking innocent.

Draco looked mad, "It was you wasn't it, I know that you've been pulling pranks with the Weasly Twins." He said, walking straight up to me.

"Yeah, well, you deserve it." I said, walking out of there.

As I walked out I could hear Pansy trying not to laugh. I smiled a bit and continued out, I quickly grabbed my school cloak and walked out of the Common room.

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