Chapter 18- Dancing Lessons?!

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After my little 'incident' we followed Professor Snape to an empty room, with a big Phonograph in it. Oh god no. I thought, we were going to have Dance lessons. I mean, it's not a problem with me, Harry and I danced all the time. I knew how to dance, but what if my partner didn't.

"It is common tradition that the Yule Ball is held, the four champions will be dancing first." He said 

Oh right, I didn't tell you, I'm mad at the Idgard guy or whatever his name is. Harry's name was put in the Goblet of Fire. But he was never near it, we were in our room playing Every flavor beans with Ron and Hermione. The four champions are, Krum, Fleur, Cedric, and Harry. I snapped out of the flash back and focused on what he was saying.

"Now can we have volunteers." Snape said

Most of the girls raised their hands, I didn't, neither did the boys. So what did Professor Snape do you asked well..

"Potter and Malfoy. Come up here." Snape said

The whole class went like ~ooh~, I calmed myself down a bit, trying not to go after the person who started it. We put where our hands were supposed to be, (Girl: Right hand on shoulder, holding partner's left hand. Boy: Put left hand on waist, hold girl's left hand. Or other way around if you're left handed, I think.), then we moved to the music. Draco seems to be good at dancing."You're really good at dancing." He said

"Yep, I danced with my brother every year on our birthday." I said

"Oh, so where'd you learn to dance?" He asked

"By being forced to watch dancing shows with Dudley." I said

"Who's this Dudley?" he asked

"My Muggle cousin. He's afraid of me now that I know magic." I said

"*silently chuckles* Well, you're not the type of girl to be messed with." He said

"Alright, everyone get's the point. Everyone grab a partner." Snape said

Everyone started to laugh as we stopped, then everyone joined in the tunes of the dance. By the end of class, everyone was exhausted and hungry. Draco and I were still holding hands, I had forgotten that his ring was around my neck.

"My father threw that locket out in the woods somewhere. All summer I was trying to find but couldn't." He said

"It's okay, that locket made me do things unpredictable." I said

When we arrived in the Dining Hall, something felt, off. Ron was sitting by himself. I told Draco I will meet up with him, I walked over to Ron,

"Ron, what are you doing over here?" I asked

"I'm mad at your brother because he didn't tell me he put his name in the cup." he said

"But you know he didn't. He was with me all day and when we played the All flavor beans game. We all fell asleep in the common room. And Wolfa was watching us so if Harry had planned on leaving there would've been a commotion." I said

"Your brother called me a foulest git." he said

I stomped away and saw Harry speaking to Cedric. I stomped over, grabbed Harry's arm and,

"Why did you call Ron a foulest git?" I asked

"I don't know, just mad at him." he said

I hugged him, "Please be careful, the Golden Trio needs it's leader." I said

"Potter. My father and I placed a bet on you. He said you wouldn't last ten minutes. I said you wouldn't last 5 minutes." He said, jumping down from the tree.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy. And do remember to stay away from my sister." Harry said

When Harry turned away, Draco started to pull out his wand. Then Professor Moody, came over and used Transfiguration on him. Then he started moving him up and down, and putting him down someones pants. Then he lifted him up and threw him towards me. I caught him and then he was turned into his human form by Professor McGonagall. Draco grabbed my arm and ran away from Professor Moody. We stopped running when we reached a dark corridor.

"What happened to you during DADA?" he asked

"I think that I felt the pain that spider felt. After she died, she came after the most vulnerable person at the time. Me or Neville. And apparently I was the most vulnerable." I said

"Oh okay." he said, pulling me into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around his waist.

It's okay baby, don't need to cry for me. I sang a bit.

He put his thumb underneath my lip, and he smiled.

"I will always cry for you." He said, kissing me.

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