Fourth Year

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I got dress in my blue jumper, light jeans (that are right at the waist), and tennis shoes. Last year, Harry said that he had snuck out to Hogsmeade, I punched him in the arm for not telling me. I wanted to go to Hogsmeade, especially with.. no. Hermione and me go upstairs. I shook them both awake trying to wake them up.

"Bloody hell, Hermione, Ava." Ron said, covering his chest with the blanket.

"Hurry, up, your mother's saying breakfast is ready. Don't go back to sleep." Hermione said.

Harry was all sweaty, like he had a nightmare. Luckily, I didn't have nightmares, but poor Harry, he looks in pain. --After Breakfast-- I was yawning like crazy, I looked at Ron's hair, I touched it, he kept swatting my hand away.

"But Ron, your hair's so fluffy." I complained.

"Stop it Ava, your acting childish." Hermione said

I stuck my tongue out at her, and we continued till a boy dropped out of a tree.

"This is my son, Cedric." Mr. Diggory said

I have to admit, Cedric is super cute. (He's also the same actor who played Bella's vampire boyfriend from Twilight. I figured it out after watching it.) We shook hands with him, and he gave all of us a smile. Then we arrived at a boot, I was a bit confused.

"It's a portkey." Mister Weasley said

I grabbed on but Harry just stood there, "Harry!" I yelled, then he grabbed on. We began to swing round and round. Mr. Weasley told us to let go, we did, and we fell to the ground, luckily my glasses didn't break. I don't have to wear them all the time, just when I need to. I took them off and put them in the bag that Hermione gave me. (One that looks like Hermione's) We  followed Mr. Diggory and Mr. Weasley into a carnival place. We wave by to the Diggorys' and then went to a small tent.

"Home sweet home." Mister Weasley said.

I walked in and saw that the inside was huge. I love magic.

"Ron get out of the kitchen we're all hungry." Mister Weasley said

"Yeah, get out of the kitchen Ron." The twins said, putting their feet on the table.

"No feet on the table." Mister Weasley 

"No feet on the table." The twins said, not moving their feet.

"I love magic." I heard Harry say.

--At the stadium--

"How far up are we, dad?" Ron asked

"If it rains, you'll be the first one to know." a certain voice said.

I growled, "Lucius."

"Nice to see you again, Miss Potter, amazing how Dumbledore managed to get the jinx taken care of. I thought that it would make you not talk to anyone." he said

Draco then came around, gloating about where they were sitting.

"Stop gloating Draco. There's no need for these people." Lucius said

We turned to walk away, when he placed his cane on my foot.

"Best be careful, who you foul mouth, young lady." he said

I sneered at him, and then Harry pulled me away. We watched as the Irish and the Bulgarians did their little show. Krum is a Seeker, and Ron basically fancies him. There was a boom outside and Mister Weasley went to check it out. While we were in the tent, we sang a song about Krum. Then Mister Weasley told us we needed to get out of here.

"Get to the portkey, Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility." he said, when they walked outside.

Everything was on fire. Me and Harry stayed together, he tripped over something and then someone kicked him. He got knocked out after that, when he finally woke up, everything was filled with smoke, and his sister lie next to him, her clothes all dirty and face bleeding. He shook her awake, she sat up, holding her head. The ring she had on a necklace, glinted in the dim light. Harry looked around, he saw a man shoot something in the sky. He had spotted him, and Ava. He pulled her up and they ran far away from him. They heard Ron and Hermione, the man ran away. Ron and Hermione hugged them both, then people showed up and shot immobulus spell at them.

"Stop, that's my son!" Mr. Weasley said

"Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ava, are you alright?" he asked

Ava nodded then the man asked which one of them did it. They started to spread out, when Harry told them about the man. Ava was really scared, and cold, her clothes were damp, and her jeans had tears in them. This year's going to be interesting. She thought to herself.

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