Chapter 10

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"I'm sorry, Miss Potter, but you can not keep Hamish. He's a wild being, he needs to be with his colony. You can already see that he has gotten sick." Dumbledore said

"But then I won't have anyone to talk to." I whined

"You can have Wolfa, he is a loyal pup, he will protect you in your time of need." Dumbledore said

(By the way, she doesn't need her bandage anymore.) Then a little red pup came running towards me. He was so adorable, I picked him up and he started licking my face. I thanked Dumbledore and set Wolfa down. We walked to class which was Defence Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupin, the guy from the train, was our teacher.

"Alright today we'll be learning, Riddikulus. A spell that will make your fears into something funny. Alright say it together now." he said

After everyone said it, I heard Draco say, "This class is Riddikulus." I snickered and we all lined up, I was before Harry. But, I don't know what my fear was. The Boggart just stared at me, freaking out into the fears of others. But he didn't change into my fear. It just kept freaking out, not knowing what to do.

"I guess, Miss Potter, doesn't have a fear." He said

Suddenly, I began feeling hot, then I began swaying. I couldn't see straight either, I stumbled forward, into the Boggart, then I finally felt my new fear. I looked at the Boggart and it was the image my my dead mother and father. I couldn't do anything, I was paralyzed. The Boggart turned me around and made me look at my class. I just, didn't feel right. I fell to my knees and then completely fell to the ground. My vision going in and out, the Boggart changed into a Dementor for Harry, but he was focused on me. I tried to push myself up, but I just wasn't strong enough. Then, the feeling disappeared, and I was fine, I sat up and looked around.

"What happened?" I asked confused

"You don't remember?" Lupin said

"I mean, I remember you teaching us the Riddikulus spell, but I don't remember what happened after that." I said

"Interesting.. alright, class dismissed." Lupin said, helping me up.

Next was our foresight class, or something. I was sitting in front of Draco as she explained how to do it, she came over to me.

"Reach over to your partner's cup, and tell me what you see." she said

"I see, him betraying something, a life of misery, and him losing something he loves." I said

"You got all that out of the cup?" Draco asked

"You, what does hers say?" he asked

"Um, all I see is a sun." he said

"Let me see." she said, taking the cup away from him.

"Ah, I see soon you are likely to find yourself feeling more free than you have in a while - maybe years. And finding yourself happy, but you will also lose something you love." she said

She set my cup down and went over to Harry.

'Guess you have talent in this class.' Draco whispered

'Not as much as the next one.' I whispered back.

He looked confused, until we got to Hagrid's hut. I was so excited, I was jumping up and down. People were looking at me, like I was crazy.

"Seriously, you need to calm down." Pansy said

"I'm sorry, but I am so excited." I said

We walked towards the back of Hagrid's hut..

"Alright, open to page *I don't know the number*." he said

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Draco said

"You rub the spine of course." me and Hagrid said

I laughed to myself as everyone stared at me. Their faces were amazing. Then a hippogriff appeared, eating something Hagrid fed it. He asked if anyone wanted to do it, I stepped up next to Harry.

"Alright, Ava and Harry. Ava you can go first." he said, Harry looking back at his classmates.

I stepped forward, and listened to what Hagrid said to do. Of course I was going to write this little detail in my journal. After Buckbeak bowed, Hagrid picked me up and placed me on him. He smacked Buckbeak's side and he took off. We flew around the castle and the Black Lake. I hugged his neck, and we went back towards the class. Everyone was waiting and was cheering at how good I was. When I got off, I kinda stumbled, but I got over it. Before Harry could try, Draco walked over looked really angry.

"Your not such a mean beast are ya?" he said, continuing forward.

"Draco stop." I said

He just ignored me, and Buckbeak attacked him.

"Buckbeak, down." I said in a loud and commanding voice.

Buckbeak listened and laid down behind me. I glared and Draco and walked over.

"You idiot! You realized that Buckbeak could've killed you! Why must you do stupid things because I do them!" I yelled at him.

"Alright Ava, you can calm down. I will take him to the medical wing. You, Ava, will stay here and watch Buckbeak." Hagrid said, picking up the whining Draco.

I stomped back over to Buckbeak and laid my head on his back.

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