Chapter 5

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Harry and his friends said that they had business to do with Hagrid, before, they had gotten into trouble for being out late. Hagrid had a dragon and Draco got into trouble to, actually, I was very amused. But anyway, I sat on the chair reading the book I got. My bandage was still on and it was black. I heard some snickering coming from the dorm stairs, I hid my book underneath my skirt and pretended I couldn't see.

"Hahaha, I can't believe that 'she' is even here. She definitely doesn't belong here. Just look at her, she can't even see." Pansy said, coming over to me.

She was right in front of me, and she made a really ugly face.

"She's so ugly, I wonder why Draco even wants to be friends with her." she said

"I'm blind, not deaf." I snapped

"I will bite her." Shadow hissed

"You will do no such thing, unless, I say so." I hissed

"Oh look, she's talking with her snake again, how utterly stupid." Pansy said, in a smugly voice.

I had enough, I pounced on her and pinned her to the ground.

"Careful what you say to a snake, Pansy. A snake has fangs, poisonous fangs, don't mess with it unless you want to get bit." I hissed at her.

She started to cry and someone pulled me off, it was Draco. I jerked my arm away from him, and headed upstairs. I heard Pansy frantically tell him what happened, except the part where she had made fun of me. I walked back downstairs, then..

"She was making fun of me and Shadow, how was I supposed to react, just sit there like a scared rabbit." I snapped

"It's not my fault that you can talk to snakes! It makes you and Potter look weird!" Pansy said

"Do not dis my brother, or I'll seriously sick Shadow on you!" I snapped trying to go after her.

Draco grabbed my waist and pulled me out of the Slytherin dorms.

"What is going on with you? We are leaving in a few weeks and your already picking fights with Pansy." he said

"She started it!" I hissed

My left bandage came loose, probably with me struggling to get out of his grip earlier. My left eye was showing, my eye began to hurt. I put my hand to my eye, there was blood. I rewrapped my eye and looked at Draco, he was just standing there, frozen. I made a motion with my hand for Shadow to unfreeze him. When he was unfrozen, he just looked at me confused.

"Did you see what my eyes looked like?" I asked

He nodded.

"Do you want to tell me?" I asked

He nodded, and pointed at my snake.

"Your eyes are like a serpents but his are blue, yours are yellow." he said

I gasped, how will I be able to see normally? Will I have to wear a bandage forever.


And in case I did skip something important, I was just to lazy to write it down. 


At the end of the Hogwarts year, we were heading off to our evil aunt and uncle. I saw Draco get off the train and went after him.

"Wait, Draco!" I yelled

He turned around, he stopped and waited for me.

"What you want, red?" he asked

"I was wondering, if we were still friends, you know after the whole 'incident'." I said

"Yes, you will try to write me?" he asked

"Sure, I'll send my snake. He can turn into a spirit." I said

"Draco, let's got." his father said

"Alright. Bye, red." he said waving at me.

I went back to my family, summer's gonna be so awful! They won't let us leave the house I bet, I have to be careful when writing my letters. 'Mom, Dad, I hope your doing well, and not spinning in your graves worrying about us.'

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