Chapter 8

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We found Myrtle's bathroom, she told us how she died. It was quite horrible, but I smiled to myself, Lockhart looked horrified. Harry said something in Parseltongue and the opening to the Chamber of Secrets was unlocked, Ron poked Lockhart and made him fall in.

"Nice one." I said, high fiving him.

"Thanks." Ron said, smiling proudly.

We all jumped in, not all at the same time though. We all got really dirty from the sewers and the bones. When we got towards the rocks, me and Harry were fascinated with the huge snake skin. But then Lockhart took Ron's wand, uh oh, and shouted Obliviate and it backfired. But a whole bunch of rocks separated me and Harry from Ron.

"Ron! Are you okay?" I shouted

"Yea I'm fine, but this git doesn't even know who he is." Ron said

"Awesome! Er, I mean, that's not good." I said, getting elbowed by Harry.

"You try and get rid of these rocks while me and Ava go find Ginny." Harry said

"Alright." Ron said

Harry walked away soon after that, I followed him to a door that had snakes on it. He said something in Parseltongue, I have no idea what he was saying. (She can only understand certain things said in Parseltongue, she's not as fluent as Harry is.) I saw Ginny on the ground, I ran towards her, so did Harry, and a young boy came in.

"Tom.. Tom Riddle. You have to help us and Ginny." Harry said

I took off my bandages and put water on my face.

"Is she really washing her face in that?" Tom said

I turned my head to go I'm and opened my eyes. His eyes disappeared and one of my eye sockets started hurting.

"Hm, you've seem to have stolen my eye. No matter. Parselmouth won't save you, Harry Potter." He said

After finding out he was actually Lord Voldemort, I grabbed Ginny and ran for the door. I set her down and heard something behind me. I turned around and saw the Giant Basilisk, I ducked my head and waited till the Basilisk went away, but he didn't. I turned around and faced it, my eyes hurting once more. (Okay, so when she's fighting, her eyes will turn into snake eyes.)

"Go away, go to Harry Potter." I hissed

Harry looked at me, I shrugged and smiled a bit. But the snake nodded and went after Harry. He pulled Godric Gryffindor's sword out of the Sorting Hat that Fawkes had brought. He had gotten rid of the Basilisk's eye sight. After Harry killed the snake and Tom Riddle, the phoenix came and lifted us out of the cavern. 'Well, that was a interesting adventure.'


I was walking back to the Common room, when Crabbe and Goyole grabbed me and brought me to the Astronomy Tower. I was strapped into a seat and I saw Shadow, he was being held by chains. I could feel Hamish crawling in my robes, I whispered to him to stay hidden.

"What're you doing?" I asked

"We're going to torture your snake. Since you keep taking Mister Malfoy, we're going to take someone important to you." they said, grabbing some torture kits.

They had burned him, peeled his scales off, and burned his eyes. It was horrible, then, they had a cutting knife.

"W-what are you going to do with that?" I asked, through my tears.

"What do you think?" Goyole said, making the killing motion.

"No, don't do it!" I screamed

They did, but then some footsteps were heard. I saw Draco and Harry coming up the stairs. 'Must've heard my screaming.'

"Crabbe? Goyole? What're you doing?" Draco asked

"They were killing my snake, actually, they killed him." I said, trying to get off the stupid chair.

"Why would you do that?" he asked them

"Because, you were getting sidetracked. I told them too." Professor Snape said appearing out of nowhere.

He lifted his wand, and the restraints came off. I ran over to Harry, who hugged me tightly, Snape was the one who murdered my snake, I shall have revenge.

"Take your sister home Harry. It's time to go anyways." Snape said

We walked towards the train, with our luggage behind us. The people took our things and we got on the train. I just stared out the window, not even paying attention anymore. At least I still have Hamish.

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