Chapter 23

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Moody went on about how if we separate we'll die, so fun. Tonks and him were having a good time. After their conversation, blue sparks fly into the sky.

"That's the second signal." Lupin said.

"Mount your brooms everyone. Here we go!" Professor Moody said.

A second later, there is an explosion of green in the sky, I would've said it was pretty if it weren't about Harry and I. As soon as that green light showed, everyone kicked off the ground, launching into the sky. Several dementors were coming after us, and a lot of the guard peeled back to slow them down.

"Get Harry and Ava to the safe house!" Lupin shouted.

"Come on, Potter! Keep moving!" Moody shouted.

"But I can help!" Harry said.

"Harry, we need to go. How will killing ourselves help them?" I said, tightening my grip around his chest.

He glared at Moody, sighing, he turned around and followed him. After a few moments, the weather started to pick up. Then Lupin and the rest of the guards returned without any injury.

"Did you get rid of them?" Moody said.

"They're gone, Alastor." Kingsley said.

I smiled at Harry, who was looking back to make sure I was okay.

"We're there!" Tonks said, smiling with relief.

"Prepare for descent! Form up around Harry and Ava!" Moody said.

As we cut through the clouds, we glided lower and lower. Tonks' feet are on the ground right before Harry landed. We waited for the rest of them to land, they still surrounded us. Then they drew their wands, is something wrong?

"Harry, stay here with Ava." Lupin said.

Several of them move to secure the perimeter, I'm guessing they're still looking for dementors.

"Clear!" Kingsley said.

"Harry, Ava, this way." Moody said.

We followed him to a bunch of buildings squished together. How can anyone live in a place like this.

"Read this Harry." Moody said.

He handed Harry a piece of paper, as Harry read it, the buildings began pulling apart. It revealed another house behind them, Moody took the piece of paper and burned it with his wand. Ah man, I didn't get to read it.

"This way." Moody said, entering the house.

I entered first, then Harry after me. The entry hall was musty and disgusting, it was covered in dust and cobwebs. As everyone started filing in, there wasn't any room. So I stepped back and ran into umbrella stand, causing me to pull a sheet off a portrait of an old woman.

"Filth! Scum! Half-breeds, mutants, freaks, begone from this place! How dare you befoul the house of my fathers!" She screeched.

Then, the wanted man that Harry saved, Sirius Black came running into the entry hall. He stops next to me, patting my head, he was an amazing person.

"Shut up you miserable old hag! Quiet!" Sirius said.

"Blood traitor, abomination, shame of my flesh!" She said.

"But you're a painting, you have no flesh." I stated.

Sirius threw a sheet over the painting, her screeches died. Thank you Sirius for killing her screams. Suddenly, he pulls Harry and I into a huge bear hug, both of us laugh.

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