Second Year

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(I don't care if I did skip some stuff, I'm lazy and very not able to pay attention. Really, I can't even pay attention when someone's talking to me. Very little attention span.--Me)

Draco and I wrote letters for a while. One of them said, that he missed my really annoying voice. I replied with a, aw I didn't know you cared about me so much. He got so mad at that one, it was hilarious what his reply was. I heard someone coming up the stairs, I hid the letters in my scrapbook and started reading my book. Turns out it was just Harry, I put them in neatly by the date. Harry really didn't approve of me sending letters to Draco.

~Time skip~

We were speaking to a little elf who was trying to keep us from going to Hogwarts. I had to redo my bandages the way Miss Pomfrey told me to. Then a blue flying car appeared next to our window. I saw Ron and his other brothers.

"Grab your stuff, we're getting you outta here." George said, I think.

I could never really tell them apart. I got into my non school clothes, which was a grey plaid skirt, a black shirt, and my robe that goes over my school clothes. Then I put my white socks and boots on. They put a hook on the bars that went over our window, Harry held my head to his chest. After they ripped out the window, I grabbed my suitcase, Shadow was around my leg, Ron held out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me into the car, Me and him went back for Harry, Uncle came bursting into the room, grabbing Harry's ankle. Finally, he let go and fell out the window, but sadly, he fell on the bush.

"By the way, Happy birthday you two." Fred said, I think

"Yeah, Happy birthday." Ron said

"Thanks." we both said

When we got back to the Weasly's house, they told us to be quiet. Then their mom came into the room, she looked really angry.

"And where have you been.." she began ranting them, except for me and Harry.

"But Mom, they were starving them." Ron said

I saw Ginny come down the stairs, she was starting her first year at Hogwarts. We ate breakfast, and their owl, I don't remember the name, had flown straight into the window. I winced backwards, ouch that must've hurt.

"Percy, will you get him."

"They took your car, and flown it to get Harry and Ava." Mrs. Weasly said

"Really, what was it like? I always wanted to- er, I mean, you shouldn't do that." Mr. Weasly said, winking at me and Harry.

I started giggling, and there were the acceptance letters, even me and Harry's, guess the old wizard really is the one who knows all.

"Guess, nothing can get past Dumbledore." Mr. Weasly said

"Or he's just a really old stalker.." I whispered to Ron

We started laughing, but Mrs. Weasly death glared the both of us. Then, she said we were going to travel by Floo Powder. She made Ron go first, then me. She told me to speak clearly when I say, Diagon Alley.

"Diagon Alley." I said, clearly.

I was transported through a chimney, and found myself covered in soot. I started coughing really bad, I felt my bandages slip. I held them and went towards Ron.

"Ron, can you put on my fresh bandages. I can't use these ones?" I asked

"Sure." He said

As he took off my bandages, I closed my eyes. I felt cool air on my face, I gave Ron my bandages, he started wrapping my eyes. When I felt the final knot, I pulled away and looked around, no Harry.

"Hey, what happened to Harry?" I asked

"I'm afraid that, he might be stuck in someone's chimney." Mr. Weasly said

"Well, I'm going to go look for him." I said

"Wait, I'll come too." Ron said

We walked down the streets, the only places I can see are in my peripheral vision and straight forwards. If I move my head I can see better, but when I walk just straight, I can trip over stuff on the ground. We heard Hermione's voice, Ron told her what happened, then we were looking for him. We saw Harry with Hagrid, I ran up to him, and hugging him, then I smacked him on the head.

"Geez, even though your the big brother, you still suck at everything!" I yelled at him

"Sorry.." he said, frightened of his little sister, again.

When I get mad, I tend to get a little violent. Per say my relationship with Pansy, I about killed her last year. All her fault, she made me mad. Anyway, we went to the bookstore where we were supposed to be at. Then the guy who was having his photo taken recognized us. The Daily Prophet, or something, grabbed me and Harry and pushed us up there. 

"Why must you where that ugly bandage, take it off." the guy said

My hand flew up to try and stop, but it was too late. I quickly shut my eyes, making sure they wouldn't open. Then I jumped down and ran out of the building, as fast as I could. I also couldn't see, but I made my way down the alley, old fashioned. I heard some snickering behind me, I just kept on going until I heard someone call my name. I just went towards the voice, which was behind me. I walked back towards it, and the snickering wouldn't stop. I felt someone push me, I fell onto the bricked road and hurt my wrist, really bad.

"Hey, leave her alone, Marcus!" Ron said

"Why? Draco's not here, and you can't do magic under aged. So you can't stop me." he said, grabbing my arms.

I made sure to keep my eyes closed, but I kept hearing Marcus laugh.

"Why are you keeping your eyes closed?" he asked, reaching up for my eyes.

"I'll bite him!" Shadow hissed

"Go ahead, I won't stop you." I hissed

Then Shadow crawled down my sleeve and up onto Marcus's arm. He yelled and dropped me, Ron ran over and helped me put my bandages on. I looked at him, Shadow is really scaring the tar out of him. I called Shadow back, he hissed at Marcus, then slithered towards me. I kept hearing that voice, the one calling my name, I looked around but no one was there. Ron gave me weird looks, but I just shrugged and walked towards the store. We saw Draco talking to Harry and Ginny, I walked in and Harry ran over.

"Ava! Are you alright?" he asked

"Fine.." I said

Draco was giving me this weird 'What happened?' look. I just shrugged and got my books, then walked out of the store, looking at Marcus, who kept glaring at her. "Snake queen.", "Slithering slime." I kept my head down and went towards the train station.


Draco was wondering what had happened with Ava. She looked so pale, like she's seen a ghost, or something else. Crabbe and Goyole were looking at Ava as well, ugh, they have food in their hands. 'What is with these idiots and food?' he asked himself.


We were on our way to the Slytherin Common room. I was messing with the ring that Draco got me a year earlier. I smiled to myself, 'I can't wait to take on Pansy again!' I thought with excitement. 

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