Chapter 19- Task 1: Dragons

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I was worried about Harry, he had said before he had to leave that he was facing a dragon. He didn't know what kind it was. Oh I hope he will be okay, I was standing next to Draco because he made me.

"But I want to go next to Hermione and Ron." I complained

"No, you have to stay with me." He said, placing an arm around my waist.

"Your mean." I stated

"You just know noticed?" He asked

I smack him and he smacks me back. We were in a full on smacking round when the dragon roared. I jumped at the roar, and went behind Draco. He started laughing a lot, I smacked him again and waited for all the rounds to get over. It was Harry's turn before we know it, his dragon looked scary. A Hungarian Horntail, I instantly pray to Merlin for Harry's safety.

And now for our Fourth and Final Champion.

Everyone started chanting Harry's name. Then the dragon started going after Harry.

"Run Harry Run!" I yelled.

"You wand Harry, your wand!" Hermione screamed

"Accio Firebolt." he said

As soon as his broom showed up, the dragon's chain broke and started chasing Harry. He went underneath the teachers tent and the dragon ripped it up. I looked at Draco and then I looked forward, thought of Harry's eyes. I was seeing through his eyes, he was hanging off a window, trying to get his broom.

"Oh no, Harry's in trouble." I said

Then I saw him falling, but he got on his broom. He was heading towards a bridge, and the dragon bit his broom. Then he was falling, with the dragon who had a broken wing. But then I saw him coming, it was amazing I screamed so loud and jumped up and down. Draco had to hold me down to keep me from breaking the stands.

We were sitting in the Dining hall, and Ron got a package from Nigel. When he opened the package he pulled out a ghastly dancing robes.

"Hah, you guys have dancing lessons." I said

"What about you?" Harry asked

"Already had mine. My partner was an excellent dancer, and he asked me to the Yule Ball." I said, packing up my books.

"Let me guess, your going with Malfoy." Ron said

I went with Hermione to the Gryffindor, I was going to help her get ready. She was going to be so beautiful, I helped with her hair and make up.

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