The Triwizard Cup

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When we got to the school, there were two new schools coming to join us. We watched as a Carriage was Pegasus flew over Hagrid. A ship come up from under the lake. When we were called into the Dining Hall, Dumbledore said that the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute were joining us. They did a really cool entrance thing, all the boys though were staring after the Beauxbatons butts. It was rather, uncomfortable, but there was someone who wasn't staring after them, more like glaring. Oh geez Draco, why do you got to be so cold. I thought. Shooting him a glare.

"Alright, next is the Durmstrang Institute." He said

Then the door burst open, but poor Professor Filch was in the middle looking utterly defeated. (Hehe, cow joke.) Why am I thinking about cows? I thought. Krum came through the door, and he looked at Hermione. Oh heeeck no, that is not happening. I thought, throwing curses at Krum as he passed by me. He gave me a sour look, I just glared at him until Hermione told me to stop, well, mouthed at me to stop. I stuck my tongue out at him and settled down. Draco seemed satisfied, I pat Wolfa's head and smelled his fur, he smelled like the forest. 

"Careful Draco, I think she's replacing you with the wolf." Pansy said, snickering.

"Oh yes, I'm pretty sure Draco smells worse than this wolf." I said, sarcastically.

Wolfa growled at me, "Don't worry, you smell amazing, like a forest." I said

He yipped happily, until the same dude who shot at us, said that the Triwizard Cup will only accept people over the age of 17. My prankster brothers, meaning Fred and George, were saying "RUBBISH, THAT'S RUBBISH. BOOO!" 

"SILENCE." Dumbledore shouted

Then after a whole boring conversation later, we walked back towards the dorm. Draco and I walked side by side, a little, awkwardly. Because occasionally he would bump my shoulder. But being me, I smiled and shoulder bumped him and then ran. He chased after me, of course, I wasn't running as fast, because I was holding Wolfa, so I dropped him, he ran beside me. His form began to change, he was full grown now and hinted for me to jump on his back. I gladly did so and eventually lost Draco. I went to where the stones were standing, where I heard that he got bunch by Hermione. I had congratulated her for doing that, he must have done something to make her angry.

I sat down and Wolfa licked my face, then laid his head on my legs. I leaned against the rock, and fell asleep.


He ran down the hall and saw Ava sleeping, her wolf's head on her lap. He came over and sat next to her and listened to her breathing. Eventually he too, fell asleep.

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