Chapter 16- The Kiss

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--Harry, Hermione, and Ron--

"Honestly Harry, they look cute." Hermione said, watching the two sleep.

"Yeah, but what if he does something to her while she's asleep." he said, about to wake them up.

"Then let her deal with it, Draco knows not to cross her path when she's angry." Ron said

They watched the two sleep, Wolfa was standing on guard. He barked loudly when he saw the Golden Trio. Draco woke up first, then he tried to shake Ava awake. She just curled up next to him and still was asleep. The Golden Trio started laughing, and ran away before Draco saw them.


I was warm and cozy, but then I heard Wolfa bark. I know I should wake up but I didn't I opened one of my eyes and winked at Harry. (That is why they all laughed) Then I rolled on my side, putting my head on Draco's leg.

"Ava, you lazy arse, get up." Draco said

She shot up and put her face right in front of him, in a full on glare battle. My hands were on either side of his legs, and my legs wrapped around his.

"What did you mean, last year?" I asked

"What do you mean?" he asked, clearly not phased.

"I don't think about anything but you. What did you mean?" I asked

He avoided eye contact with me, for a bit, then we heard laughing. We turned around and saw Crabbe(or Goyole) and his newbie, laughing and pointing at us. I turned back to look towards him. I told him to do something and he looked completely embarrassed.

"What?" He said, looking like I was crazy.

"Just do it or they won't leave us alone." I said

"Ugh fine." he said

He grabbed the back of my head and pulled it in, and we kissed. Of course we didn't mean it, but I think we eventually melted into it. We heard footsteps run away, and I slowly sank back and sat in between his legs. Both of our faces were red, and we just stared at each other.

"Well.. that was.. interesting." I said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah, interesting." He said

I awkwardly got up, "So, we better get to class." I said

"Nah, they don't start classes till tomorrow." He said

"What do you suggest we do then?" I asked

"I have a couple of ideas?" he said, smirking.

"No." I said

"What? I could tell that you liked it the first time." he said, grabbing my hand.

"Yes, but, that was only to get rid of Crabbe(or Goyole) and the new guy." I said

"Oh come on, you asked me to do that, and you liked it. So there's no way that you could've just thought that was getting rid of them." he said

He gradually got closer to me, I ended up being backed up into the rock slab. I was cornered, but he was sooo cute. Curse my innocent soul. I thought to myself. But before he could do anything else, I transformed into a fox, and waved my tail towards him. He stared at me a while then he chased after me, throughout the halls of Hogwarts, when we were spotted I transformed back and he ran into my back. I began laughing, but Harry and the others stared at me. Mostly Harry glared at me and Draco, we backed away, slowly then ran. They chased after, we eventually got to Hagrid's hut before Harry roared a loud "STOP!".

"What?" I asked

"Is it true?" He asked

"Is what true Harry?" I asked

"Don't play dumb, what you and Draco did." he said, angrily.

"About how Draco groped you and forced you to kiss him." Ron said

"What? That did not happen, all we did is kiss and they overreact to it." I said, rubbing my forehead.

"See, told you your sister would take care of herself." Hermione said

"Yeah, and why would I touch her like that? I wouldn't do that." Draco said, obviously annoyed at the conversation, trying to walk away.

"You're not going anywhere until you explain to me what's going on between you." Harry said, so not giving up.

"Harry, if you must now, Draco and I have been dating since third year. So there now you have the truth we have to get back before lights out. When will you learn to trust me." I said, grabbing a confused Draco's arm.

"I kinda find it hard to trust a snake." he said

I stopped and looked at him, "Well, you're going to have to suck it up. You're going to be in a lot of trouble in the future. And I might not be there to help you." I said, walking towards the castle.

Once we reached the common room, everyone turned to look at us. I let go of Draco's arm and began to go upstairs, but cried the whole way there.

"What they said wasn't true, all we did was kiss." Draco said

"Yeah, why was she crying?" Pansy asked

"She had a fight with Potter." he said, leaving the common room.

Little did they know, they both had kept that moment fresh in their minds, lips still warm from the kiss.

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