Third Year

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Our Aunt, Uncle Vernon's sister, was coming over. We were wanting Uncle Vernon to sign a paper for school. He would sign it if we behaved, but I knew that wouldn't happen. At dinner, she made Harry really mad, and he blew her up, like a balloon. He grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs, we packed our bags.

"Hamish, you ride on Hedwig, okay?" I told him

He nodded, I walked downstairs with Harry, when Vernon came out.

"Change her back!" he yelled

"No." Harry said

We started leaving, Harry was walking to fast.

"Harry! Wait up!" I yelled.

It was a little chilly, I was wearing light jeans with a colored belt, a grey t-shirt, and a red plaid jacket, that was a little big. I was also wearing my tennis shoes. Harry sat down, looking frustrated. I set my luggage down and sat on it. I rubbed his back, but then, he suddenly stood up, looking at a black dog. Then a bus came rushing up in front of us, Harry fell down, I laughed a bit.

"Welcome to the Night bus, here to pick up stranded wizards." the guy said, looking down at Harry.

"What ya doing down there?" He asked

"I fell." Harry said, getting up.

"What did you fall for?" the man asked

"Because you guys appeared out of nowhere." I said, grabbing my luggage.

Harry looked over the side of the bus, the man did the same thing, then grabbed Harry's trunk. When we looked up, there was a chandelier in a bus! The guy told the driver to go to the Leaky Cauldron that's in London, well, what Harry told the guy.

"Say, what did you say your name was?" he asked

"We didn't say our names." Harry said

"Oh well." he said

We were going through many obstacles, and I mean it. There were two double decker busses and we just went in between them. Then we arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, a hunchback was waiting for us. We walked in and the hunchback showed me to my room, while Harry was showed to the Minister's room. There was a monster book laying on my shelf, I rubbed it's spine, because duh, everyone knows that, and looked through the pages. I grabbed my own notebook and started drawing the monsters down and about them. My favorite was the Hippogriff, they were honorable creatures, like me.

Then Harry came in and tried to open his monster book, but instead of letting him look at the pages, the book tried to attack him. After he finally got rid of the menacing book, I closed my notebook and followed him downstairs. We heard two familiar voices, we saw Ron and Hermione fighting. I ran down and jumped on Hermione.

"Hey Hermione!" I screamed

She jumped but then hugged me back, "Hey Ava, you've really grown, I like your hair, really long." she said

"Thanks, Ron. How've you been?" I asked

"Good, we went to Egypt, to visit my brother." he said

"Ron, not telling anyone again are ya?" Fred said

"Fred and George! How's life?" I asked

They hugged me, "Hey little sister, it's been great. You want to help us with a joke shop we're planning on building?" they asked

"I would love to.. *gets a glare from Harry* except my brother needs me to keep an eye on him, *whispers to Fred and George* he might get into a sticky situation." I said, we all giggled.

"Harry, Ava!" Mrs. Weasly said

"Mrs. Weasly." I said, hugging her.

"You both have all your books, all your clothes, everything you need." she asked

"Yes to all those." Me and Harry said

Mr. Weasly pulled us to the side, and started talking about Sirius Black. Apparently, he's trying to kill me and Harry. 'He was friends with our parents, I know he wouldn't sell them out.' I thought to myself.

--On the Train--

Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I were in a room that was with a sleeping guy in it. I sat next to him, while Harry sat next to the door. Then it started to get cold, and something unlocked the door. It was something dead with a ragged black cloak covering its face. It started to suck every happy thing from me and Harry. Then we both passed out.

"Ava, can you hear me?" Hermione said

I sat up slowly, my head hurting, I rubbed my temples.

"Here it this, it will make you feel better." the man said, handing me some chocolate.

I took a tiny bite, and held the chocolate. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were talking about what happened. I took another bite of the chocolate as we were headed to Hogwarts. There was a frog chorus singing for us, after that was over, Dumbledore made an announcement.

"Hogwarts will be hosting the Dementors in their search for Sirius Black..." he started

I wasn't really paying attention, because I started drawing it after the other pictures of monsters that I drew. I know that they can suck the life out of everything and take something/someone's soul. I was drawing the whole thing, then the head and the face. I was almost done filling in the face, when someone grabbed my book.

"Hey, heard you and Potter fainted, literally fainted." he said, laughing.

"Give it back, Malfoy." I yelled at him.

"Aw, she's jumping like a little rabbit." He said, mockingly.

I whipped out my wand, "I said give it back." I hissed.

He dropped my book, I caught it before it hit his cup. Then I sat down, and finished the drawing. I stood up so abruptly, that I lost my balance, and fell back. Someone caught me though, and that someone was Draco.

"Your still clumsy." he muttered

After I was balanced I stuck my tongue at him and left the Dining Hall, feeling like I had forgotten something.


After Ava left, I noticed that her journal had fallen on the floor. I picked it up and started looking through it. It was filled with a whole bunch of monsters in them, I got to the last page, there was a sight to see. It was a drawing of a Dementor, she was really skilled with drawing. She had notes scribbled around it, Why did it attack me and Harry? Why do they hate life? Why is Sirius Black after us? Why am I writing these down? I decided to return it when I go to the common room.

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